
What is a good physical description of spain?

by Guest63505  |  earlier

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What is a good physical description of spain?




  1. spanish

  2. The geography and culture of Spain is very diverse.

  3. dry, hot and beautiful

  4. Southern Spain is very dry in the summer. The people are nice but very poor. I loved the climate and the country is nice but different from  most other countries i have been to . the bull fights are very brutal

  5. It's not a country. It's a continent. And it's a way of life.

  6. Hi, Spain has the most diverse geography in Europe.

    The Notrth is very green from the Atlantic (Galicia) with fjords or Rias and 1000 meter mountains full of grass and ferns, to all the Cantabrian range, 2000-3000 meters and littoral even greener, green grass, and high blue green mountains, which are slightly lower in the Vasc country. The mountain go over 3000 meter all the way to the Pyreenees. And have snow from nov-dec till may-june. There are many rivers running from the mountains to the seas creating micr-climates that have very special characteristics and unique products.

    About a couple of iundred km from the coast starts mid northern Spain where the green mountain valleys start to fade into red hihgland or high plains here starts the Meseta or Mesa Castellana that stands at 500 - 800 meter high. The land is incredibelly red, there are a lot of trees and also yellow colours starts to appear. Thre or four mountain ranges over 2000 mt hig differentiate areas from east to west. Becaus eof the crude winters and hot summers the people have chose to leave in cannyon type gulches that run beside larger rivers and smaller afluents . This gulches are quite green, fertile and can only be seen fro the air or drivinf to them hence even though the landscape from a distance might seem red and yellow due to wheat en Summer they are green all winterlong and even in august the gulches are frsh and green.

    Agter the centarl mountain ranges also ober 2000 mters high the meseta continues in plains the plains of la mancha, where the perdominat colour is earth and yellow. Gulches are also all over the place and sites of many a beutiful place like the Cuenca gorges. Mayor rivers and subsidiaries rund fromthe mountains, some are born in the Cantabrian other in all the ranges on the way making fertile valley all through the region.

    When the meseta or mesa starts descending into andalucia, the mediterranean litoral and extremadura, Again the mountain ranges produce specialized areas with microclimates. Hence Extremadura has areas often called the spanish switsserland, in direction to Huelva where are the mountains that produce Jabugo ham, all full of iberian pig which is dark and long haired. There are quite fertile yet hot areas and the Olive tree starts to domain the landscape. From west to esat Cadiz has atlantic climate and the sierras are green and rains very much. The beaches are beautifull as in the north and is green even in the summer. The center of andalucia has cereals and olive tress and vines which are different yet maybe the only constant though out the whole country. The Sierra nevada range 3.400 meter high, separates the interior from ther coast and gives way to tropical microclimates and agricultare where palms, avocadoes, mangos, guayabas, bananas and almost everything grows. The most arid area is in the south east comprehending the lower valencian area Alicante, then Murcia and Almeria all the way to Malaga. This areas againseparated from the interior by high renges, have from a dessert, of Almeria, wich is a dessert but not like the Sahara, are the hottest areas and where the largest tourist developmets are. Still even in those areas you can just drive up the mounatins and youll find green pastures even is summer.

    Spain is Europe`s grove and provides the fruit and vegetable for most of the other European countries. Also is one of the largest oil and wine producers. Most beaches is spain are either very wild and brave sees yet protected by the hills or samller calas which are beaches that the sea has dug in the Rocks and almost dissapera with high tides.

    Only The coastal areas of Malaga, Murcia and Alicante, again where most tourism concentrates have long, crowded beaches where foreigners like to go and bake with millions of other foreigners, that arrive as armies of ants, no bad connotoation intended, to try to get a tan and often burn at whatever cost. Yet as I say even those areas have palm trees, aloes, pitas, cactus and their mountains have green pastures ven in summer.

    So I do not understand how people who just know benidorm, fuengirola or marbella dare to generalize and describe the whole country. A country which is only after Switzerland the most mountaineous in Europe. Hsas 6 or 7 languages even though only 4 are official, and so many differnt areas, cultures, and climates within the when you drive fromthe north to the south, only nless than 2000 km you find more changes in the landscapes that if you drove through the whole united States, which I have done and has very similiar climates just in Spain the changes occcur in less than 100 km areas.

    I could go oin and specify but I guess this is neough so that you do not get a clicheé idea of what our land is.



    PS: about the cruelty of bullfighting I guess killing and fighting with a 700 kg or 14000 pound brave bull with 30 to 50 cm horns, on foot or horseback, at contact distance, with a cloth,and a sword or topped spear is not so cruel as killing defenseless ducks, foxes, reindeers, buffaloes, zebras, etc with a repetition shotgun from several hundred meters away aided by pack of blodthirsty dog. It is also more cruel I guess  than killing non brave bulls, poultry, cows, rabbits, ostriches  pigs and the rest, who need to be bled to death before they die in the centralized slaughter houses in every nation(had to film whole programm on a "pious" and most modern state of the art slaughter house.). At least in Bullfights, though not often, the Bull can win, survive and live the rest of his life as a king being a spoiled semmental.

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