
What is a good place for Hillary Clinton to hold a rally in Arkansas?what issues should she talk about?

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This is for a school project but I dont know anything about Arkansas so please help me find some place nice for her to talk to the people of Arkansas.





  1. In the front of the Old State House where her husband announced his decision to run for the Presidency.

  2. At this point, considering how the African Americans are turning away from Hillary and Bill in droves because of the callous way they have treated Barak Obama, it would be to Hillary's greatest advantage to hold a rally at one of the locations in Arkansas where Bill Clinton said as a young boy he personally remembered witnessing the destructive aftermath of a Black church burning.

    This could very well be the only thing that might save the Clinton Dynasty from being abandoned by African American Democrats.

  3. At the bottom of the Arkansas River. She and slick willie have embarrassed this state enough as it is.

  4. “The people can't make these choices, we will have to make it for them.”

    Hillary Clinton

    ”We will have to take this away from them for the "common good."

    Hillary Clinton

    "It takes a village to raise a child."

    Hillary Clinton

    "The problem in this country is too much individualism."

    Hillary Clinton

  5. HOPE, AR.

    Not only is it Bill's home town , but Huckabees as well.

    She could probably reprise Bill's speech when he ran.  Hit the economy and terrorism.  "Its the economy , stupid"  oops that was Bil's too.

  6. Rose Law Firm

  7. Under a rock.

    Whether or not the rain will hurt the rhubarb.

  8. We put up with her for years, we had a party when they moved to New York instead of Little Rock.  Most folks would love to see her not come to Arkansas, but if she does, only Little Rock.

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