
What is a good place to learn bout muck fire?

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What is a good place to learn bout muck fire?





    The Brits call manure muck. That usage is less common elsewhere apparently but it's common around here. It's also often called mud. Muck can catch fire. When dried it has long been used for fuel in some parts of the world where there's little wood, and it's possible for stored muck to catch too.

    But the term "muck fire" most often refers to an underground fire burning in or below a layer of duff in a marshy or peaty area with layers of incompletely decomposed organic matter. A peat bog fire in other words.

    It's a perennial news item in Florida which has lots of swamps and frequent droughts which dry the peat enough to be a fire hazard. The fires can burn for weeks or even months, traveling below ground and surfacing now and again at a hot spot, sometimes endangering structures built at the fringes of swampy areas. Suddenly, a fire springs up from below ground in your back yard! While walking in a marshy forested area you fall through a thin crust of soil into a bed of smoldering peat!

    Muck fires damage land and buildings, kill trees by torching their roots even when they don't burn the tree, and make so much smoke that you can't even see. They can be a dominating local problem in areas where they occur, affecting large areas.


    There's more at the link above.

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