
What is a good place to start for MMA training?

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I am in relatively good shape( 6-0, 185 pounds), and played linebacker in highschool. What kind of training should i start in , boxing, wrestleing, or martial arts?




  1. Boxing and wrestling are martial arts. Just find an MMA gym

  2. MMA being what it is, you shouldn't neglect any of those areas of fighting. It does depend on what your strengths are, to some extent. If you're a really good wrestler you might want to focus your style on that. Mind you, MMA is evolving to the point where all the top fighters are incredibly well rounded. You can't afford to neglect any aspect of the sport.

  3. As said, boxing and wrestling are martial arts. You would need both, or something to cover both of those ranges as well as the other range to be efficient.

    What do you think you're more inclined to do? Strike or grapple? Figure that out, and start from there. You don't have to start learning a little bit of everything from day one if you don't want to.

  4. brazilian jujitsu is always good. but youll need boxing or muay thai or some good striking style too...

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