
What is a good place to take a family portrait? thats isnt to expensive?

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well my baby just turned 3 months and we would like to take a family portrait but dont want to pay a whole lot of money so i need some place that takes nice pictures and arent to pricey? so if any of u guys had some done where did u get them at and how much did u pay in total? i live in california if it helps




  1. if you get the american baby magazine they have a coupon for JCPenny's.  it's no sitting fee and 3.99 portrait sheets.  Target usually runs that special too.  look around in baby mags there are always good coupons in there or on line.  good luck.

  2. I recently went to Kiddie Kandids in Babies R Us.  I have had ones done at Sears with disappointing results.  I think I have found the place I will continue to go to for years.  It was about $120 for 10 sheet, with each additional sheet being only $5.

  3. dont laugh but we go to walmart, my son is 19 months old and we have been getting his photos done there since he was born, they come out great, they look just like his cousins who goes to jcpennys and pays alot more, also i have a digital camera and for christmas we had someone take a photo of all of us outside and then took it to walgreens and they have packages at a great price too!

  4. i had my sister come with us to the beach at sunset on a warm day and did them ourselves, we dressed up and researched poses then went for it! they came out great and were free, we used a regular digital of all they were not too corny or cheesy. good luck :)

  5. Walmart does a good job and as long as you stick with the basic package you will get out of there pretty cheap!

  6. Walmart. I tried to go to Sears when my baby was a month old in July. They told me that the cheapest package they have is $130! I nearly had a heart attack! I went to walmart & I got a huge package for $70 which included a discount card for all future purchases. I got them done in Pennsylvania while I was visiting family but I live in Maryland.  

  7. My husband and I just had Emily's 6 month pictures done at JCPenney. They did a great job and we were in and out (including ordering and paying) in less than half an hour.

    As for price, has a whole crapload of coupons. We got our sitting for free, plus 20% off our package. We got a great sized package for $94.00. As long as you use the coupons you can really get them done for an affordable rate. Good luck!

  8. If You Take a picture Maybe while your outside with you & your son/Daughter and whoever else you would like in it! Then you can take them to local shopping places Like ASDA Tescos ect. They will have it blown up on a canvas for about max £15

  9. JcPennys always runs them and ask if they have any that they're running right now...they differ in price all the time it seems.

  10. I would definetly say a Department store like Macy's, JC Penny, Sears or even Wal-Mart.

    They all have pretty affordable prices...

  11. You can go to Picture People and just pay for one portrait ($18 plus the sitting fee). The sitting fee is waved if you can get your hands on one of their coupons which are easy to get.  The trick is, narrowing it down to just one picture.  (They make their money by taking lots of cute pictures so that you want to buy all of them! LOL)

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