
What is a good plant to keep in my dorm room?

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I go to a boarding school in New England, western mass.

My mother has bought me two plants, and both have died pretty soon...

The first was some kind of poppy, I think, and the other was like miniature ivy.

-the school is in a "historic" town. So, my windows are not doubled paned, and it tends to get pretty cold by the window if I don't pull my plastic shade down.

-also compliments of my historic dorm--> no window screen. I use a pull out screen propped in my window, but the bugs can be problematic.

-other than the heater in the winter, there is basically no air circulation.

-At the most, I'm away for 2 weeks.

-I'm from southern California, so my knowledge about the seasons is pretty limited...

Do you have any suggestions? + any tips for taking care of my plant?




  1. Bamboo! Only water like once a week...:) Mine aren't even in sunlight and they are nice and green!

  2. Here are some plants that even grew sitting in the side of my room:

    - Cactus - you should be able to find some little catcus plants, or bigger ones. Some of them aren't to prickly either which is better for some people. You also don't have to water them veryoften, maybe once a month.

    - Bamboo - it's heaps easy to look after and doesn't need much care, like the cactus. You can get big or small ones, and they look heaps cool (the  really green ones).

    - Ferns - I have never kep one onside but I think it would work ok.

    - Aloe Vera - Easy to look after, it looks a little like a cactus.. besides they are meant to be good to put on cuts.

    - Bondi trees, they are tiny and really cute, but you may have to water them often and I think they need quite a bit of sun.

    None of these produce flowers though, if you want more suggestions the best place to go is definately the local garden store... they are great helps and can recommend more plants to suit your dorm room. ALso they would stock the plants so they would be easy to get.

    - Good luck!!

  3. you can never go wrong with a cactus or get a spider plant

  4. Get an ornamental bamboo plant. They're hardy and almost impossible to kill. Just put it under a sun lamp (not too close, though), fill the pot to the top with water, and you won't need to water it for a few days. I have one in my bedroom, and there is NO sunlight in my room. It was my moms plant, but I confiscated it from her because she kills all house plants (I brought it back to life, but now I won't give it back to her  =)  ).

  5. A money tree would be nice.  Or an Orange tree with real orange juice bottles.  Heck even Catnip would be nice in a smelly old dorm.

  6. You can get these fern things that you don't need to water, they live off the air.

    And for the above 2 people. Pot plant take alot of looking after if you want to grow them right.

  7. Cannabis sativa

  8. A cactus!

    Give it good amount of sunlight, and 'forget' to water for like a week.

    if you water it too much, it will die.

  9. Marijuana

  10. bonsai

  11. Get a larger ivy.  Those things don't die no matter what you do.  Or some bamboo in a vase.  We have one and it's growing really nicely.

  12. marijuana plants are great and easy to take care of

  13. I would suggest you buy a Philodendron, as they are pretty hardy

    as long as you remember to water them, or even English Ivy, as

    both plants will love the sun but sustain the cold, Also, they have

    Trailing Ivy and the trailing philodendron, which grows long stems

    that hang going up or around a window nicely. A cactus might

    pose a problem with people and when you pull your shades down

    and they can really hurt. If you are away for two weeks there are

    ways to have your plant 'self water ' with a cup of water and string,

    but thats another thing. Whatever you may choose, do not forget to

    water them, as you had probably done with what your mom gave

    you. Also, put them maybe in a bigger pot might help, and place

    a saucer or dish underneath,  so there will be extra water for it.

    Whichever you choose, good luck!  

  14. Cacti, some can actually be pretty and all are low maintenance. You can always go to a gardening store and ask an employee.

  15. a cactus is novilty and really hardy. perhaps a venus fly trap? cactus' are good because you only have to water them once every 2 weeks. the fly trap would be good for those pesky bugs lol!

    good luck and i hope you find something that survives lol

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