
What is a good prank call?

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im out of ideas




  1. phone up any random number and ask if the want to adopt a hippo. for example.........

    YOU: hi im mark calling from london zoo would you like to adopt a hippo?

    THEM: ..................................

    YOU: are you sure?? we will pay you very well

    all stuff like that really. its good if you know where the people live like the town or sumthin like that coz then you can say the zoo that is near them.   :D

  2. Hey Mhickey,

    First, mastering prank calling is quite easy nowadays.

    The first thing you're going to want to do is go to - (right click, open in new window) - look over the features and then buy it. It's seriously like the most fun you'll ever have!

    After you've got your spoofcard, you're just about ready. This is where your imagination kicks in. Since you can change your voice to male or female, you don't really need a sound board. However, if you want to be Arnold Shwarzenneger, you can go to ebaumsworld and use that, and make their caller ID display his name and number!

    And since you can call anyone, and display any name and number, it gets REALLY fun.

    Hope you enjoy,


  3. Ring a business out of hours, if they have an answering machine, say in a weird foreign accent, " I AM JOB ". Say it a couple of times. Getting louder each time.

    Whoever checks the messages the next work day, will have no idea what the h**l is going on. ( It also helps, if you are a little bit drunk, when you do this. It makes it sound funnier. )

  4. As prank calls are illegal and considered telephone harassment, grow up, get a better hobby and quit trying to come up with ways to p**s people off. There are NO good prank calls. If that is your deepest desire, I recommend that your parents (if you are lucky enough to have at least one) take away your phone privileges, until you are mature enough to respect them.

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