
What is a good prank to pull on a teenage boy's car with out serious damage?

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this guy i know convinced me to come out of my house..then him and his friends threw water balloons all over my friends and i. Later i was in my car, and they got the inside of my car wet. i need to get him back, and i have people to help. i dont want to cause serious damage to anything of his, e.c. oreos on his car to remove the paint. but, something like maybe jello in his pool. please help me, i'm in the middle of a water war and need some good ideas.




  1. Put a potato in his exhaust pipe. Make it backfire and shoots the potato out at high speed, so make sure the exhaust is pointing at his house or soemthing before you do it.


  2. fill it with jello/whip cream/.... rotten eggs in the trunk then on the roof of his car

    eggs/ dish washing soap/ jello is hella funny in a pool.

    ace a dead fish in an area of the engine that is hard to get to and that will get hot. Jammed under the radiator is just about perfect. After a couple of days the smell just becomes unbearable.

    Fake Craigslist Ad

    A Kryptonite style U shaped lock and maybe some chain is all the tools you need to disable a car or a motorcycle.

    This same method works great on cars. Run a length of chain through the spokes on a tire, lock the chain to itself and let the fun begin. Chain and a padlock works better than a bike lock because it's cheaper, you can cut it to the right length (three feet should do it) and it does more damage if they actually drive the vehicle. Hopefully, they will not drive the vehicle! If you wanted to get truly evil, wrap the chain around the axle. This way the car owner has to have the car towed to move it at all.

    I got nailed with this one at a friends house, who had a 10 foot long carpet runner made out of this plastic stuff...keep in mind it was 10 FEET LONG! The clincher was, these guys had a pool. I was outside by the pool, in bare feet of course, and my buddy yells, "hey, come here quick!" At top speed, I ran down 10 FEET of thousands and thousands of needle sharp plastic tacks. I think I actually levitated across the last 4 or 5 feet. My buddies laughed for an hour. That was 20 years ago, and I still remember it clearly. --- Eric Rose

    Buy some fish and let them rot. Then drop down their chimney or any other creative place.

    -Send in subscriptions to embarrassing magazines in the victim's name. Make sure to check "Bill Me".

    -Send off a request in the victims name to numerous foriegn postage stamp bureaus requesting ordering information, to be put on mailing lists, etc.

    Fill the shower head with dry temper paint, onion salt, Easter egg or the like Lifesavers are great since they dissolve and then reform on the victim.

    Purchase several hundred crickets from the local pet store and release them everywhere.

    -Change the prompt on someones computer to be black on black. This is rather cruel if the person is computer illiterate. Very effective the day before a big project is due.

    -Place industrial strength smoke grenades (the sort that will fill up entire buildings) in obscure places in a public building. Also good in someone's car or truck.

    Smoke bombs

    Make soup one-third cup of chopped jimsonweed to three quarts of lentil soup. Jimsonweed is a acutely hallucinogenic use very little and record it.

    Add mineral oil to his/her coffee. Roger Orlando suggests you do this is steadily increasing amounts until the correct posture for the mark is achieved.

    Nasty but funny...

    "Several nights before the party I ate six ears of corn for dinner...nothing else. Later that evening, I ate two apples ( a great source of pectin). The next morning I moved my bowels into a plastic bag. I allowed the f***s to dry in the sun for two days. Wearing rubber gloves, I cut that dried block into small squares the size of cherries. They were semi hard with whole kernels of corn running through them, a decidedly disgusting visual effect.

    "Then, I melted four large bars of milk chocolate in a double boiler, and, not unlike a fondue, I gently covered the f***s pieces with the delectable milk chocolate.

    "When they were dry, I wrapped each one in the golden foil that the original chocolate-covered cherries come wrapped in. I filled the box and resealed it."

    According to Mr. Phantom, the bartender said the "gift" was devoured for a few moments until one guest finally spit out a piece of "candy." Within two minutes, there was not enough bathroom space to accommodate eighteen gastronomically ill guests involuntarily intent upon regurgitating.

    From the pages of Up Yours! George Hayduke's Guide to Advanced Revenge Techniques

    A really good way to make him lose A LOT of sleep is to put his telephone number down as a 24 hour 10 gigabyte pirate bulletin board. He'll either be hassled by the cops or constantly phoned, when he won't even have a board!!

  3. you can get car chalk (its used for writing stuff on cars ands its only like 2 dollars at the store) and write all over his car.  you can draw like a p***s and stuff and write insulting things.  and the car chalk washes right off.  no chpped paiint or anything.

  4. Stay Legal:

    1.Tape a ballon to the back tire and then as he drives back it will sound like the tire poping.

    2.Put the car up on a cinderblock so that the tires are off the ground.

    3.Fill the car with books or paper.

    4.Hook up a airhorn to door.

    5.Put plastic trash can that can break next to tire so that it will explod making a loud noise!

    6.Hook up horn to turn on when car starts.

    7.If alarmed always turn it on or make it go off all the time.

    8.Move car so face opposite direction then before.

  5. put a woffie cusion on the seat he sits in

    thats funny

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