
What is a good price for childcare?

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im currently not working,and my neighbor asked if i could watch her 2 kids,10-11 hours a day(i dont mind there good kids) i said i would feed them, im not sure what to charge! they are 6 and 8 !




  1. how are you going to watch them 10-11 hrs a just went back in session.

    i am in pa too.  a friend has her son in actual day care before/after school holidays and half days @ 75 a week.

    i do home day care for kids that are actually with me that many hours.  i charge 75 a week per child.  but i babysit for a single mother.

  2. I live in Florida and my babysitter charges me $20 a day snacks included for my 2 yr old. I would charge $30-$40 per day in your situation.

  3. I wish I knew your area.

    3.00 per child is ok in Montana

  4. I don't live in PA, but I do watch children in my home.

    If I were providing before and after care I would charge $50 per week per child, $100.  Local rates for commercial daycare before and after care are $75 per child.

    If I were actually providing ALL DAY care then I would charge $150 per week per child.  Local commercial rates in my area for school aged all day childcare is $175 per child.  

    They may be good kids, but you are still putting in a lot of work!!  Not to mention the food expenses, groceries aren't cheap these days.

    You need to check out your local rates at commercial daycares and at home daycares (try to know what you are worth.  You are providing a VALUABLE service to a mother/child and please ask to be properly compensated.

  5. I pay $2/hour for my daughter (age 5) in rural Wisconsin.

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