
What is a good price to start negotiating a used car at?

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I am looking at this vehicle that is listed at $3900. If I intend on paying cash for the vehicle, what price should I begin my negotiating at?




  1. AHHH DON"T tell them yo uare paying cash. In fact if it comes up tell them you are only discussing total price right now and will discuss payment after a decision on price is reached.

    Why? Because they make far more money when you finance (they get to charge you interest).

    Go a head and start super low say 3000. No you arent getting it for that but they will come back with oh say 3700. Then go up in increments of 1-2 hundred. Don't give them too mush personal info. Dont give into oh well you cant affor this heres something else (they do that to try to get you to pony up the higher cost to save your ego)

  2. I think you should contact with the dealers of used cars and yes it depends on the period of that used car.

  3. Say this, " I'll give you 3400 dollars cash straight forward if you sell me this car!" But the most I can give you cash is 3600" Oherwise I can't buy any cars" Take it or leave it" He is sure to give it to you. But never ask below 3000$

  4. from a dealer or private seller? what type of car,year,millage,condition?

  5. First off tell them you have the cash and are ready to make the deal right now, if you can get the right price for the car. Tell him something like $2,800 and he will claim to be offended and thats not nearly enough, blah blah blah. He will probably say just to get rid of it right now I would do $3,600. Then tell him you can really only do 3,200 and if he cant do it walk away. he wont let you drive away if he can do $3,200.

    I wouldnt pay more than $3,200 for the car and $3,000 or less would be nice. I have no idea what this car is worth or what he should have paid for the car because you didnt tell me what the car is. I'm just basing this on what kind of mark up he will probably have in a $3,900 car.

    The most important thing is that you tell him you have the cash with you and are ready to deal today. Theres nothing dealers hate more than actually giving people a good deal and having them buy somewhere else.  

  6. Of course depends on the Age, model & miles. But overall remember that the car price is only what you think its worth.

    I wouldn't mind starting at $3000 & do hard bargaining till $3200 / $3400. That's my upper on it.

    Edit - Put the Cash on the table & tell him pick it up or you walk out. Money talks every time.

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