
What is a good product to use to get rid of the smell of smoke out of my house?

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What is a good product to use to get rid of the smell of smoke out of my house?




  1. Wash everything down with a lemon oil based product.  Keep the windows open to air everything out.  Primer and paint may be needed if the smoke smell is in the drywall.  Professional wash the carpets.

  2. if your talking about smoking as in cigs, i would say open your windows and spray some kind of air freshener around the place, even towards the walls, and empty and clean all of your ashtrays......if its smoke as in you burned something cooking, you will probably have to wipe down the walls and everything you can, my mom would recommend vinegar for this, she owns a restoration company where she has to get smoke out of clothes, go to for more

  3. Home Depot carries a spray by Zap. It's just for smoke. It works good too.

  4. the only way is to not smoke maybe you should buy some nicorette .i have heard its a good product.

  5. If you really want to remove the smoke scent for good then get out your working gloves because smoke gets into everything.Start by removing all your pictures and things off your walls and then washing the walls down with a solution of hot water detergent and bleach,then wash all frames and rehang, shampoo your carpets and the smell will be gone for good.Good Luck!

  6. Febreze works great on ALL odors.

  7. You can't completly get the smell of smoke out of your house. Oust can get the smell gone and febreeze can freshen the area.

  8. Phantom  has given you the best answer.  Elimination of smoke odors is a whole house cleaning, walls ceilings, drapes, furniture, carpets, knickknacks  the whole ball of wax.

  9. We moved into an apartment that reeked of cigarette smoke; I bought some powder that you sprinkle on the carpet and then vacuum up, and it helped a lot.  Air freshners will help but the smell clings to the carpet.

  10. Renuzit super odor neautrilizer fine mist spray. i use the blue bottle. it gets rid of basically ever smell and has a wonderful scent. it is not bad on funiture, and takes away any smell. i love it!! its a well priced product as well availble at walmart and target, and other superstores

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