
What is a good proposal/solution to stop a teenager from driving while drunk?

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I thought about there should be a law where a breathalyzer should be installed in a car so that when a teenager breathes into it the car wont start.

What else do you think?




  1. That is a very good idea that you have but if this is a problem with your teen do what a friend of mind did.

    Go to your local police department and tell them of the situation that is going on and ask them to speak with your teen, while he or she is not drunk.

    The police will come by and what they will do is start asking questions concerning the teens whereabouts on different occasions and they will tell them that they will be keeping a watch out for them because they do not have enough information to make an arrest.

    It may should a little harsh but  the police will do this for you because they do care even though many people dont think so.

    I can tell you that my friends teen was very scared and that he did stop getting driving drunk because of what the police said would happen when they caught up with him.

  2. take the wheels off

  3. This may require some tough love.  Ask the local police or highway patrol if they a course or movie the teenager can attend.  Take them to see a car that has been mangled.  Some schools have experienced teenagers that give lectures.  Chances are they won't lesson to a parent but will to one of their peer group.

    Good luck.

  4. Such a device already exists. If someone if convicted of drunk driving, such a device is installed on their car once their license suspension is over. I know someone who has one of these... I don't know how long it has to stay on though.

  5. Promise the teen a car if he doesnt drink n drive for a year.

  6. drive for them

  7. In Australia promoting the idea that teens going to a party nominate a designated driver, who will not drink alcohol on that evening, seems to work well.

  8. Tell the teen the first time they are caught,    you will revoke all driving privileges  in all your vehicles,    they will be required to ride the bus or walk to school everyday,   and your will petition the state to revoke their license until they are 18 and pass the tests again.      Then,   and most importantly,   have the stones to stand by what you said.     Your teen may hate you,   but the odds of hating you and turning eighteen go up greatly.

  9. a good solution is to punish parents severely for it... if that was made into a law then parents would be more strict on car privileges and avalability of alcohal by parents who use the stupid line; "i would rather them drink safely at home then out on the road" which dosent work.

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