
What is a good punishment for my child for not wearing her bike helmet when she was told many times to do ?

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she was told to do so many times !!! please Help A.S.A.P.




  1. Take the bike for a while, a week or so then everytime you have to tell her to put her helmet on she loses it for a day.

  2. Buy two small melons, a cheap kids helmet, and a 10 lb. dumbbell. Take kid out to driveway where melons, helmet and dumbbell are staged. Explain that the melons are comparable to a childs head. Drop dumbbell on one melon, then place other melon in helmet and drop weight on helmet. If your child still doesn't get it, it's called natural selection.

  3. Also show her photographs from the Tour de France the bike race that is now in progress.  You will find photos in any sports section of full grown men wearing brain buckets. Have her write a paper with research as to why a helemt is a good thing to wear.

  4. A lesson in the dangers of not wearing a helmet is a very good idea.

    When I was in high school, a lady came to the school assembly. Her son had been hit by car, whilst riding a bicycle with no helmet, and she told us of his brain injuries

    The thought of being stuck immobile in a wheel chair & having to use a catheter (we were show one & told how it worked), definitelty gave the students (or me anyway)  a bit of a scare!

    My parents were strict about wearing a bicycle helmet., no helmet equalled no bike ride.

    Your child might whinge a bit, but that's life. You can't always get your own way everytime.

    Good luck

  5. I agree with the previous poster.  Also, take an egg and say to her that this is her head.  Now drop the egg and say this is what can happen to her head if she doesn't wear the lid.

  6. Since you are the one that will pay the fine if she is ticketed, I will leave it up to your good judgement.

  7. don't let her ride her bike. take the  bike away.

  8. Take the bike away for a week. And don't give it back no

    matter how much she whines and cries. I have to work with

    kids every day who don't wear their helmets and end up

    brain damaged.  If she gets the bike back and still doesn't

    wear the helmet then the bike goes for 2 weeks. This is

    a punishment that fits the crime. However if she doesn't

    care about the bike being locked up suggest you take away

    something she really likes like a toy or tv or dvd or whatever and don't give in. Kids make the best negotiators because they rely on the fact that if they whine enough parents will give in. It is your job not to give in no matter how big a pain she is.

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