
What is a good quality HD Camcorder to get, which can also take pictures and is small with good features.?

by  |  earlier

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I would be using for when i go on holiday and home movies.

Please Help.

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Cheers in advanced.




  1. you need to say how much you want to spend, only a few things i would say and it isn't related to price.

    1 don't go for the new hdd cameras, video is compressed and quality reduced. DVD cameras you need to convert them to be able to edit them on your PC again loss of quality

    2 Go for a good quality HD mini dv, price about the same. OK you need tapes, and you have to capture the film to your PC but the quality will be as good as you can get, com cameras you can record it back to tape for storage, again almost no loss of quality.

    3 Don't worry about very high zooms, unless you have  it on a very heavy tripod the picture will be all over the place.

    lastly you need to ask your self do you want OK quality or great quality

    hope this helped a bit

    Sony, Canon should do

  2. How much are you willing to spend? And do you plan on editting these videos? If you do, there's not many choices as far as software goes that will let you edit your HD videos. MiniDV is the better way to go if you want to edit your movies.

    If you need HD, I like this camcorder a lot. Can also take decent pictures as well:

  3. use mini dv.

    go with a sony hdv handycam.

    they also have minimum 4 MP still cams built in.

    they are small, easy to use and make great pictures.

    hope it helps!

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