
What is a good reason to commit suicide?

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Outside of being in intense physical pain

what do you think are good reasons to commit suicide, would you say a man getting castrated is a good reason?




  1. naaa. life in any form is better than no life. however, if i was gonna commit suicide I would want the people that found me to be like wtf? I want them to find me in like the stupidest situation possible. Like drive my car off a cliff with like 100 little parachutes strapped to it. they would find me and be like.. ?????

  2. there is no good reason to commit suicide.  

  3. there is never a good reason to commit suicide, there is always someone there for you.

  4. Any reason can be considered a good reason.  The same goes for a bad reason.  Good and bad are subjective.  Opinions.  If your opinion of an idea is good, then it is a good idea.

    I won't get involved in your decision making, because I don't know you.  I've never been castrated so I don't know if it is a good reason, I can't say without lying.

    Suicide is an escape.  If you don't want to live life, it is your life, you have total control.

    Many people are against suicide, that's great and dandy, but it isn't in their voice to say.  It's not their life.

  5. It depends on the individual. Some people don't see what's so special about life; they see no point to living because everything is meaningless. If they decide that nothingness is preferable to meaninglessness then they should commit suicide.

    I believe you should be able to do whatever you want as long as no others are harmed. With that school of thought in mind, I say that a parent with a dependent child should not commit suicide. Also, children and teenagers should not commit suicide because they are not legally their own person.

    Jerad- That was hilarious.  

  6. No. That is not a good reason. There are no good reasons for that. Things can be extremely hard sometimes but there is no good reason to kill yourself, and if you feel that you should or that no one would care if you do, you need to seek professional help. Please do not hurt yourself for any reason!!!

  7. well that would be intense physical pain so yeah. Sure.

    I think that when you have no longer a reason to live. i.e. you've lived your life and have no reason to go further. My grandmother explained this to me once. She says that once she becomes a burden on society as a whole and she is no longer a productive member, when her children no longer need her guidance and society is not in need of her at all she belives that suicide will be justified. I feel the same when. Once I am at that point I do believe that suicide is a justifiable choice.

  8. A good reason to commit suicide? You don't want to live anymore and are an adult human being who is of sound mind when making that decision.

    It's called free will.  

  9. None. No future in it.

  10. no that i feel is not a good reason but that's in my opinion. to tell you the truth iv thought about it more than a couple times but there is things in life that kept me going and i am happy about it now.

    to answer your question. in my opinion a good reason to commit suicide is the how the world just keeps getting worse and worse and the stress levels of people and even young kids now are off the chart. and since were all supposed to experience a painful long death in 1012 .

  11. If a person has their own compelling reason for committing suicide it may be hard for other people to see it. But many people contemplate suicide when they are depressed, emotionally unstable (such as during a bout of mania or other mental illness,) or in shock or grief from some devastating event.

    It is unwise to make a decision when one is too close to the problem, and this is especially true of a traumatic event. I hope you or someone you know doesn't make a decision while barely recovering from some horrible event. Good Luck.

  12. No, s*x isn't everything.  You can still contribute to the world, and help those in need.  Facing a life sentence in prison is a good time to do a suicide by cops.  Because who wants to sit in a cage for the next 40 years and be bitter?  Well Ted Kazinski likes it, he can sit and read.  That's all he likes to do.  But he's a hermit.          

  13. THERE IS NO GOOD REASON TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!!!!really.... cus every reason has a answer, without commiting suicide!!!!!

  14. There is no true reason to commit suicide!!

    The thing is...God has a very nice life planned out for you and He doesn't want you to just throw it all away.  If you turn to Him in times of need,  He will help you through.

  15. There are a host of good EXCUSES.  But I can't think of a single good reason.

  16. There are no good reasons. commiting suicide is selfish and there is always another way.  

  17. in Japan it was, and is still to some extent,  considered an honorable way to accept defeat or to make amends for a crime or act against society....    though sometimes this "honorable" exit is taken by some because of peer/social pressure, bullying, feelings of hopelessness, and lack of sufficient psychological counselling structures in the country        

  18. Even if nobody loves me!

    Even if I was castrated!

    Even if I had cancer,leukemia,abnormalities,rare decease,

    Or I was going to die soon with horrible pain.

    That will not be an excuse to commit suicide since, I believe God is the only one, who has that call upon our life, since it was him who gave it to us in first place! ( I'm not God to decide over him, when it's time for me to leave to a better life) If I want to be w/him I need to learn all the lessons God put me thru in this life even if this Lessons are too harsh for me to take! anyways God will not put us thru something we can't go thru. So I don't see a single reason to commit suicide!

  19. Judas thought it a good idea. When the sordid and sinful business was all over, this renegade Apostle, who thought lightly of selling his friend for thirty pieces of silver to satisfy his long-nursed craving for revenge, rushed out and committed the final act in the drama of fleeing from the realities of mortal existence--suicide.

  20. there is no good reason, not only is everyone different but....yeah

    there is no good reason

  21. ...individual preference is the closest i get to why...suicide...

  22. There is no good reason. That's not a judgment it just is. Technically suicide is murder, EVEN though it is your body and you own it and all that good stuff. Eliminating ANYONE is unreasonable. Of course, we have excuses, but in the end, you are taking a life, and there is no reason for that.  

  23. There is no good reason to commit suicide people choose to come to experience life with that comes many lessons to learn I will leave you with Life on the train

    Life is like a train ride, it read. We get on. We ride. We get off. We get back on and ride some more. There are accidents and there are delays. At certain stops there are surprises. Some of these will translate into great moments of joy, some will result in profound sorrow. When we are born and we first board the train, we meet people whom we think will be with us for the entire journey. Those people are our parents! Sadly, this is far from the truth. Our parents are with us for as long as we absolutely need them. They too have journeys they must complete. We live on with the memories of their love, affection, friendship, guidance and their ever presence. There are others who board the train and who eventually become very important to us, in turn. These people are our brothers, sisters, friends and acquaintances, whom we will learn to love, and cherish. Some people consider their journey like a jaunty tour. They will just go merrily along . Others, will encounter many upsets, tears, losses on their journey. Others still, will linger on to offer a helping hand to anyone in need. Some people on the train will leave an everlasting impression when they get off…. Some will get on and get off the train so quickly, they will scarsely leave a sign that they ever travelled along with you or ever crossed your path…We will sometimes be upset that some passengers whom we love, will choose to sit in another compartment and leave us to travel on our own. Then again, there’s nothing that says we can’t seek them out anyway. Nevertheless, once sought out and found, we may not even be able to sit next to them because that seat will already be taken. That’s okay …everyone’s journey will be filled with hopes, dreams, challenges, setbacks and goodbyes. We must constantly strive to understand our travel companions and look for the best in everyone. Remember that at any moment during our journey, any one of our travel companions can have a weak moment and be in need of our help. We too may vacilate or hesitate, even trip… hopefully we can count on someone being there to be supportive and understanding… The bigger mystery of our journey is that we don’t know when our last stop will come. Neither do we know when our travel companions will make their last stop. Not even those sitting in the seat next to us. Personally, I know I’ll be sad to make my final stop…. I’m sure of it! My separation from all those friends and acquaintances I made during the train ride will be painful. Leaving all those I’m close to will be a sad thing. But then again, I’m certain that one day I’ll get to the main station only to meet up with everyone else. They’ll all be carrying their baggage… most of which they didn’t have when they first got on this train. I’ll be glad to see them again. I’ll also be glad to have contributed to their baggage… and to have enriched their lives, just as much as they will have contributed to my baggage and enriched my life. We’re all on this train ride together. Above all, we should all try to strive to make the ride as pleasant and memorable as we can, right up until we each make the final stop and leave the train for the last time.

    Love & Blessings


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