
What is a good red wine for an italian dinner kind of on the sweet side but not real pricey? thank you.?

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What is a good red wine for an italian dinner kind of on the sweet side but not real pricey? thank you.?




  1. I like a good Riesling wine or Pinot Grigio....they are much sweeter, but if you really want sweet wine..get some Port wine..that is a dessert wine..very sweet.  

    Go to a bar and order a glass of these wine and make a decision to see which one do you like

  2. Lakeridge Southern Red Wine is good if you're looking for something on the sweet side! Fragolino is also good, but it is about 17 dollars. But, it's an amazingly sweet red wine.

  3. Try a sparkling Rose... Brachetto.  Tons of fruit flavor- surprisingly great for hot weather.  As far as price goes... not certain.  It's about $8 for a split where I work- and I think they mark up at least 30% so...

    Try any bordeaux, Red table wine, Meritage - they are all drinkable and you can find some very reasonably priced.  Red Zins are a good choice and if you want light- Pinot Noir.

    It's really just what YOU like an who you drink it with.

    If you have a Trader Joe's near you, they have a great selection and reasonable prices.

  4. if you live near a trader joes try two buck chuck. Its really good, and slightly sweet, and its cheap.

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