
What is a good religious apology gift I could get for my (former) boss??

by Guest61895  |  earlier

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I walked out on my job Monday (LONG story) but there were difficulties with my boss. By the following Wednesday I felt that I had cooled off enough to go back and have a calm and orderly conversation with her which just couldn't happen at the time because we were both furious. Anyway, on Wednesday we both exchanged apologies and she admitted she was wrong and I admitted I was wrong but I would like to buy her a little something (religious) that symbolizes a new beginning. She is the boss of a Christian preschool that's why I would like it to be a religious gift. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.




  1. Since there has always been difficulties between you to, a gift is not necessary or required.

    The employer-employee relationship ended appropriately when you both apologize.  It ended gracefully, correct?

    That was Monday, now it is Friday (end of week).  To get something now is like adding (or reopening ) something that's been closed.  Move on - this will signify a "new beginning."   [It's like getting an ex a gift after the divorce.]

    It's over.  The curtain has closed, the show is over.

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