
What is a good restaurant to eat alone on Easter?

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My parents are going out-of-town and my son is going with them.I'm goin to be alone for Easter. I want to eat a good vegetarian Easter dinner, but I'm not sure where to go or what to get. Any suggestions?




  1. Try a Asian Stir Fry type restaurant where everyone sits around the wok while the Chef makes whatever you like in front of you.  Eating vegetarian there would not be a problem and you'd have company and maybe some new friends at the end of the meal.  Happy Easter to you!!

  2. I have noticed some churches offering Easter dinners- even free and open to everyone- but by going you might get a sense of "community" and possibly run into others that are alone as well.  Though it won't all be vegetarian, I'm sure there will be something you could make a plate out of.  I don't have family around for Easter either.

  3. I was thinking Denny's also because of the large amount of choices. What about IHOP???

  4. Denny's -- there's tons of vegetarian options & you can also substitute non-vegetarian meals with vegetarian ingredients a lot of the time. PLUS! its cheap

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