
What is a good retirement gift for a teacher?

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My English teacher is calling it quits after this term and I want to get him something. What would be a nice, appropriate gift to give him?




  1. Write her a letter about how she was a nice teacher :)

  2. A Apple computer.

  3. A computer would would be a great gift but if you cant afford it get her something to remember you by like something that meant a lot to both of you

  4. well you shud giv the teacher sumthng that they would remember you by. like if you and da teacher had like a kool friendship and had all these inside jokes, juz giv them sumin dats special to both of yall. (dis sounds like yall married lol!!!)

  5. computers and ipods? no way!   A student shouldn't give something that expensive to a teacher!  Many schools do not allow teachers to accept gifts that are above a certain dollar amount.  Those are gifts you give your family, not your teacher.  Instead if he likes coffee, then give some gourmet ground coffee, or an ocean sounds cd to help him relax.  Or a gift card to a nearby restaurant not exceeding $25. Give a card with the gift saying happy retirement.

  6. Give him somthing he can use for a long time or to remember his students or school.  Something he can look back at and know what he gave to the future of the students he taught.  Or write a letter to him or a card.  Dont so spending alot of money though. He is just a teacher and not a family member. Dont go wild.

  7. A book. Give him your favorite book and write something in it.

    A tie. Always good.

    A plant.

  8. Wow, what an opportunity!

    I guess an iPod and a Library Rack or Stand for about 500~1000 books would be good.

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