
What is a good revenge to get on a boyfriend who dumped youu?

by  |  earlier

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I'm writing a story and the girl's boyfriend broke up with her and she wants to take revenge. That isn't the mai part of the story just a minor part. But I don't want the guy to get hurt but more like embarrassment like Carrie. Any suggestions would be great.




  1. how about having a barbeque next to his house with your new boyfriend.

    or something similar would help him realise that he has dumped a great girl!!!

    or you could ask him to come to some place and not go could watch him by far if you want. if you want him to really suffer then you should call just when he is about to leave and say that you would be a little late and tell him to stay there.after some time call him and say that you wont be able to come cos your boyfriend wants to take you to a movie or something.


  2. Have the guy go out for some time with the new girl and be sure they are seen at school. Then have the new girl spring it on him that she is carrying on a L*****n relationship with his ex (her bff).

  3. As the adage goes, living well is the best revenge.  She can develop other interests and move on with her life.  

  4. How about having her go on to have a busy life without the need to jump into a new relationship right away. She handles it in a healthy way and it drives him crazy.


  5. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Have the girlfriend

    find a new love who helps her become a social climber.

    She becomes wealthy and uses her wealth to affect other

    business like the company her former boyfriend works for.

    Get the idea?  

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