
What is a good science experiment that i can do in three days?

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i have a science fair coming up and i totally forgot about it and i need help thinking of one to do in 3 days without having to go the the store and getting alot of stuff




  1. There are varying "levels" of experiments, based on your grade level. From growing sugar crystals on a string, to making your own yogurt or root beer.

  2. The easiest is the volcano project, very common and overused. But, im pretty sure you can do a light bulb project in one day. Basically what you do is, you get a small lightbulb, two battery, nails, and paperclip, and WIRES. Its not that hard to figure out how these go together. Paperclip is a on/off switch. THe nails act as a conductor from the two batteries, and lightbulb. I forgot to mention duct tape to tape the wires with the lightbulb.

  3. here's some easy ones..

  4. You could make a potato or lemon battery... if you want to be lame.  -OR- you could electroplate something onto something else. For instance, you could coat a penny in nickel or silver or gold, or make a nickel look like a penny (copper coating), or even make your own silverware from nickelware, or something. It's really easy, but the silver and gold stuff might get a little expensive. Read up on it. It easy, fun, and cool.

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