
What is a good site for finding a career that you would enjoy?

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im 16 and have no idea what i want to do when im older. i dont know where to go to college and moving out is approaching quicker than i thought. so im looking for college help basically. or finding a job that i dont know of that i can go for.




  1. If you are looking for career ideas you may greatly benefit from a career assessment. A good career assessment will take into consideration your strengths, interests, and perhaps most importantly, your motivations. Once these are identified you will be able to narrow your career research significantly and make the whole process easier.

    Free access to a very insightful career test and the resulting personalized motivational appraisal of personal potential (MAPP) is provided courtesy of Simply visit and click on the career assessment link on the index page or visit . This career tool will allow you to:

    * Find your real motivations, interests, and talents for work

    * Identify your ideal careers

    * Discover your communication and leadership strengths

    Once you have identified one or more careers of interest you may find consulting the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics at helpful. It will give you access to hundreds of different types of jobs—such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse—the Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you:

    * the training and education needed

    * earnings

    * expected job prospects

    * what workers do on the job

    * working conditions

    Good luck finding your path!

  2. Don't they have guidance counselors in high school anymore? There must be someone at school you can talk to about this very important matter.

    Good luck!


  3. Learn Direct is ace

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