
What is a good size for a boat that would go into the ocean?

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  1. 32 feet

  2. 24 feet

  3. I regularly go out to sea in my 38' sailboat ....  it has been to Mexico across to Hawaii and back ... I know people who have done it in an 18' sailboat ... a lot of people cruise the world in boats in the 30' to 40' range ..

  4. if you have to ask, you need an ocean liner.

  5. 30 foot

  6. the size of the QEll

  7. Anything bigger then a dingy so a shark couldnt swallow you whole.

  8. it depends where you are and what you are going to do and your level of seamanship. my son sailed a 22 ft. sail boat from san diego to costa rica but i don't think i would. we had a 35 ft we used off the so. cal coast and it was comfortable.

    in any case you want to check the weather before you go anywhere no matter what size boat you have.

  9. Assuming you mean a sail boat and to actually cross an ocean and not just sail along the coast on the 'ocean' ....

    Size is irrelevant.

    Hull shape and ballast ratio are the most important factors.

    Get these right and the size only matters in so far as you would be more comfortable, have good stowage etc.

    A multihull could be very small indeed and have few ocean crossing problems. The heavenly twins 26 type (26 feet long) for example has circled the world may times with several owners.

    My vessel has a long keel, transom hung rudder and over 50% ballast ratio. She is 26 feet long. She will go anywhere.

    We, she and I, are currently on our way to Australia from Northern Europe.

    I know a lady who rowed a 23 foot canoe across the Atlantic. I also know a man who has sailed a 19 foot yacht across the Atlantic - long keel, transom hung rudder and a 48% ballast ratio.

    The Atlantic Rally for Cruisers has a safety stipulation of 30 feet. They will not allow yachts to participate in their annual Atlantic crossing Rally which are under 30 feet. A good sensible safety precaution, but not difinitive.

    Clare Francis and Tania Aebe sailed around the world single handed on 26 foot yachts. Contessa 26's. Again; long keels, transom hung rudders and high ballast ratios.

    I point out these smaller vessels because they are proven, but they are also not very expensive in case you are considering buying a boat.

    I hope this helps you out.

  10. That depends on what you want to do with it... between countries in the Atlantic? 200 feet minimum. But that's not a boat, that's a ship. Hopping between islands in the South Pacific? Something a bit bigger than a canoe would probably do that...

  11. You need to be able to answer some questions yourself first. Do you want crew onboard? Where would they sleep? Where would you sleep? How long are you travelling for? What is your sailing experience if you are considering buying a sailing vessel. What is your minimum level of comfort that you are willing to undergo whilst at sea i.e. must you have a shower onboard. Questions like these will help you determine  the minimum size boat that you would like to get.

  12. You wouldnt catch me on anything but a huge cruise liner or one of those little foot pedal ones on a pond, too scared of it sinking and being drowned, even get nervous crossing a bridge in a car, bus or train, and ferries dont even go there, have a sneaky suspicion that I drowned like this in a past life lol! :)

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