
What is a good size for my 13 month old corn snake?

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I have a corn snake that is about 13 months old. I measured his skin the last time he shed and it measured to be about 25 inches. (I just learned that you should measure the body instead, I'll try that later.) Is he a right size? Also, am I feeding him correctly? 1 fuzzy once a week?? He is my first snake so I'm still learning. Thanks for the help!




  1. is his tail fat at the end like it just drop off if so your over feeding him and drop down to every week and a half to two weeks  

  2. you are feeding a 13 month old corn snake one fuzzy a week?  that doesn't sound like enough food.  you should be feeding your snake one mouse every 7 - 10 days but the mouse should be a little bit bigger than your snake at it's thickest part.  there should be a tiny bump in your snake after it eats.

    it is easier to measure the snake rather than the skin...however you can take off 15 - 20% from the shed skin and that is approx the length of your snake.

    as to whether he is the right size if he is healthy, has good muscle tone and all that, then he is the right size.  :)

  3. Well you should get a 20 gallon tank which gives the snake room to grow(plus saves you money). Also measure the actual snake, because the skin stretches when he sheds.

  4. You should probably get a 20 or 30 gallon tank.  

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