
What is a good sleepover theme?

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Don't just give me a name tell me what to do for it and stuff. And don't give me anything boring like makeup or movie.




  1. Hollywood theme. Have everyone dress up as a celeb. when they come, and have hollywood games like:

    "Scene it" on DVD

    A popcorn eating contest? (To go along with the movie thing)

    Be creative.

  2. Well, this could really depend on how old you are. I'm going to guess in between 11 and 14? There are lots of things you could do, like a tropical theme. You could buy bags of sea shells for decoration, fairly cheap at arts & crafts stores. Also flowered necklaces, and coconut cups with little umbrella in the drinks. Or, If you don't like that, maybe if you and your friends all share a love for the same show, sport, or movie, you could theme it as that. One of my favorite types of parties are murder mystery parties. You can find online or somewhere the kits to use. You assign every guest a character and they dress up as that character, each with different personalities and act it out, and whoever solves the mystery could get a special prize.  

  3. world peace

    make peace sing cookies

  4. if its with girls then watch movies, eat popcorn, drink pop, run around in pjs, and sleep in sleeping bags, play pillow fights and truth or dare.

  5. pajama party...everyone comes in PJ's & slippers but also brings an extra pair-with out letting anyone see them. The xtra pairs are put out on a table or the floor and then everyone has to try and figure out who's PJ's are whos, the host is the only one who knows who they all belong to and then you can give a prize(new slippers or something related to sleep) to the one who guesses the most right. You can also do a PJ exchange, where everyone buys a new pair-like the one size fits most style you can get at long as none of your friends are too tiney or too large. Then every one rolls dice and if you roll doubles you get a gift, once you get it you can open it but if someone else rolls doubles then they can choose to steal your gift instead of opening for a set amount of time like 30 mins or an hour. Or you can actualy do like a secret santa type gift exchange with PJ's or slippers or sleep related items. You can ask everyone to bring in a pic of them as a baby either sleeping or in PJ's and have everyone guess who just like the PJ game and give out a prize.

  6. actually, food dancing, movie, clothes shopping, dinner at night! is all fun. and fancy.

    expensive though

  7. Don't just give me a name tell me what to do for it and stuff. And don't give me anything boring like makeup or movie.

    so I don't get it, you don't want my suggestion?

  8. Watch Sleepless in Seattle followed by Beauty Pampers.


  9. Yeah, having s*x is a good sleepover theme.

  10. there are many different sleep over themes for girls over 13 i would suggest maybe mtv bring in music alot of different colors many things to like definitely get food chips juice soda pretzels doritoes anything also talk about cute ones ugly ones crushes, try something like the finger trick if theres more then 3 ppl u can actually make one lay down then take two fingers on each hand and try to lift her/him up keep repeating the words light as a feather a stiff as a board make sure the person being lifted stays absolutely still also make sure you absolutely get to talk about everything

  11. you don't have to have a theme to make a good sleepover, in fact it's pretty childish to have a theme for your sleepover- more importantly you should have a bunch of fun things to do. Make lots of creative ideas that you and your friends like. You might even want to go to a pool.

  12. Have Contests!

    Most junkfood, Most pop knowledge, etc.

  13. pirate! you could just have a party and make everyone dress up as a pirate

    ho down: you could all dress up as daisy dukes

  14. well i c ur in a mess and need help a good theme would b to make a howanin theme u need hoola skirts coconut bra flower neclace and brace lets 4 every 1 hire a hoowanin band and make sure to have bunch ready

  15. barbie girl by aqua

    popcorn with that movie

    makeup is sooooooo the best part go buy lipgloss party favors.

    games. paint the face of the first person to fall asllep. after that keed painting the faces of the people that fall asleep


  16. Man, when I was a kid we had 2 sleepovers and we all had to share one sleeping bag and my dad made my friends do yard-work and clean the squirrels out of the attic.

  17. s**y TIME

  18. s*x

  19. you should have all your friends sleeping in teh basement

    and like idk what to tell you to do but

    after your parents go to sleep...pretend like you guys are watching

    a movie and tell your parents not to come down because you

    guys dont want to be annoyed and you really want to see this movie...

    and then when they are gonee...sneak out a window or door...

    which ever one is closestt and go tee pee peoples houses

    and ding dong dtich..

  20. the olympics are on, so why not an olympic sleepover? you could buy sweatbands and dress up cute in sporty gear, you could do a lot of stuff.. if you wanted to be sporty do like obstacle courses and stuff

  21. ho about a retro 70's theme?

    everyone must be dressed in bold prints- for this is the law of the 70's sleepover

    70's films such as clockwork orange must be watched

    and old brightly coloured party food and drink may be consumed

    meaning many vodka and cranberries lol

    and pop tarts

    and bowie must be danced to at all times....

    for this is the lawl of the 70's sleep over

  22. BLACK and WHITE .. u can only wear black and white clothes and every thing has to be either black or white .. u can paint ure faces all white and play sharadez (i dnt knw how to spell it =))but add a kind of mime vibe to it like take turns miming out something nd u have to guess .. u can cook some brownies or cupcakes or something like that and use black and white icing to draw some designs on them u ca have a food fite with something white .. like cheese or yogurt or even milk .. u can play board games and then mumify the winner with toilet paper and throw eggs on them .. also u can act out a play or something (preferably)something serious) and make it sound really stupid and cheesey and stuff and act it out .. u can have  a mime play and act it out infront of your parents the next day   .. and play a game i call "sofa bed kicking" if u have a sofa bed then make it into a sofa but dnt lock it leave it a bit loose and then someone sits on it or two ppl it doesnt matter ,, then another person runs to the sofa bed and jumps on it and kicks it trying to make it fall with the ppl on it (i knw it sounds boring but its really fun in real life honest) umm .. what else is there to do ?!?!?! .. another theme is a 70's theme .. and make everything from the 70's .. play a game where u ask questions about the 70's and u can watch ald 70's movies and another thing ju can do is dress up as characters from that 70's show and act like them the whole time

    i hope u like my ideas =D am not that good with themes but these r my fav. themes

    ok then .. hope ure sleepover rocks !!!! =D

  23. Hmm, maybe do like a princess theme like with the disney princesses :)

  24. Toga! Toga! Toga!

    I think it's self explanatory.

    Edit:'re 12... I suppose you could still have an innocent toga party, but wouldn't be as fun. about...facial massage...oh I don't know! What do kids do these days other than play video games?  It's been so long since I was 12....sorry.

  25. Hawaiian/outdoor-  have you own luau with punch and fruit.  Have a limbo contest, sleep in tents, have tiki torches outside, and bon fire roast marshmallows and dogs.  Basically go all out and have fun.

  26. Well, people don't usually like having a planned activity at sleepover's. They like to go out late, stay up, tell secret's, the usual.

    To answer your question, a survivor theme would be cool. You know, organize contests that can be fun for everyone: make an obstacle course, do indurance..

    Also, it would help to know how old you are.

    If it is summertime, you could have a water theme. Throw the water balloon, soak eachother with the hose, etc..


  28. pick a culture and make food from it and find traditional grab to wear

    you can cook foreign food and even look for some words you can teach to everyone.

  29. hawaii theme :)

    and all you perverts that wrote s*x, your retarted.

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