
What is a good small animal I can get?

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I am looking for a small animal I should get and don't know which one I should I get! I want something that won't take up a lot of space and won't cost me a lot of money. No I do not want a fish!




  1. All cost money. Rabbits and guinea pigs and rats all require large pens/cages so I guess you are stuck with a hamster. Get 2 same s*x.

  2. I would Highly recomend a rabbit they dont take up alot of room and the only thing that is expencive is the cage and u buy that once... for $25.00 and a bunny for $5-10.00  

  3. a dacshund. they are wonderful pets for children

  4. get a hamster. you can choose to play with them or theyll play with its little wheel. make sure to get 2 females. males are aggressive

  5. a cockateil, (bird)

    i have had mine over 20 years and love him sooooo much, they are small, dont take up much space, only require a clean cage, water, birdfood, a few toys, cuttlebone, cage deodorizer.

    they are very affectionate, funny, have great personalities, will love you soooooo much, they love to have their heads scratched. they are soooo funny.

  6. I would get a yorkie and Pomeranian mixed. They can be so much fun! They are like humans. They can be your best friends. I have a brown and black one and it is so cute! I love it to pieces! It is the best dog on earth. I recomend that you get one!

  7. Rats are great! They need more room than a hamster but they are worth it. You can get a cage that is made for rats and is about 3 x the size of a hamster cage. The cage will be approx. 50 bucks, maybe less depending on where you live and the rat itself won't be more than 20 bucks. (if you get it from a breeder, pet stores are usually much cheaper. mine were 6.99 each except for one that was supposed to be a feeder but she was so friendly that I took her home for 3.99.) All the rats I have met are really friendly and mine are the sweetest girls EVA!

    The food is generally inexpensive and treats can be offered in the form of fruits and veggies. (mine love grapes and spinach) The only thing that is sort of expensive about rats is that they have sensitive respiratory systems so you really shouldn't use pine and definetly not cedar shavings. Healthy alternatives are aspen shavings and recycled paper shavings like care fresh or the news paper based pellets for cats called yesterdays news.  Rats are really social so it would be best to get two females as males may fight as they get older. They love your attention and are one of the few small rodents that seem to. I have had hamsters and although some were really docile, I wouldn't say they loved being taken out of the cage and toured all over the neighborhood. I can, however, say that about my rats.

    Of all the small animals I have ever had, (degus, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, cockatiels, fish and rats) the rats remain my favourite.

  8. i have a rabbit and it lives in my room and its not allot of space and  i bought her for about $22.00 and she is a mini lop.

  9. if you are looking for cost efficient, i would say go for a guinea pig or gerbil. guinea pigs have more personality, but they require a bigger cage and little more care. another option would be a chinchilla, but they can get pricey. good luck! :)

  10. Salamander/newts! they don't cost much. you dont need to buy expensive heating lights most reptiles need. and they are very interesting. i would choose them over a hamster or bunny any day.i found it was a lot of fun setting up there tank to! for food they eat worms and small insects. most live for 5 to 10 years

    you might like them do a lot of research on them though. :)

    rodents are are birds. they are very annoying! i ones offered to take car of a relatives bird

    and just remember really THINK before you you get a pet ask yourself some basic questions <good link

  11. A rat totally!  The thing with them is they need attention EVERY DAY! They are not like hamsters that will bite and are unfriendly. Rats have seperate personalities and I would say they are like little dogs in rat form. I have never had one bite me and they will give unconditional love.

    If you decide a rat, research them for proper care.  

  12. i would suggest a mini lop rabbit, they are inexpensive to maintain, sleep while you are at work/school and are extremely lovable. they need lots of affection and playtime. they are litter box trainable and make wonderful house pets and companions. i have 2!

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