
What is a good social science activity to do with preschoolers?

by  |  earlier

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  1. You can ask them to share what they did or do during the holidays

  2. Here are two "chemistry" ones:  Vinegar and Baking Soda-pour vinegar onto baking soda or vide versa to create a "volcano".  Another one, mix cornstarch with water to create a crazy goop----lots of messy fun!!  Have Fun!!

    EDIT:  Just saw the social in front of science......oh well, still some good "science" activities :)

  3. They can learn to help others by making cards, or drawing pictures to send to a nursing home or hospital.

    They can learn teamwork by all working together to clean up the toys around the room

    Pick a different state/country/culture every week to study. Each week, the kids can make a craft about that place, play dressup, and dress like the people who live there, and eat a snack, like the food the people who live there eat!

  4. Put them in a circle. The first kids says my name is "X" and I like "Y" Then the next person says that is "X" and she likes "Y" I am "R" and I like "S" and so on each student must first repeat all in front of him then add!

  5. Getting them to play quietly and nicely together for an hour is pretty good social science in my book.  Really, any activity about sharing, being kind to others, respecting adults, taking care of their things are great.

  6. Here's a couple:

    1) Take a white chrysanthemum, and put the cut stem into water.  Add food coloring and it will be sucked up into the veins of the petals.  

    2)  Take milk and add food coloring.  Add a drop of dish washing detergent and the colors will violently swirl.

  7. Hmmm maybe a little mature for preschoolers but ask them to ask their parents the countries they came from and then teach them little things about those countries... If a little girl is french about the eiefell tower, british about tea, etc, etc.

  8. you can teach them interesting stuff about a different country in Italy there is a tower called the Leaning Tower of Piza isn't it cool that it stays sideways...idk cute little tidbits. Believe it or not I remember things from preschool.

    Another thing you can do is have them say their name and tell something the like about their culture or ancestry.

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