
What is a good solution for g*y Muslims?

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Eviwahabi- now now, no need to judge that.




  1. According to what I've read regarding the Muslim religion, their heaven consists of each male being given 72 virgins and 28 prepubescent boys for sexual purposes. It appears that homosexuality is an accepted practice in the Muslim world.

  2. salam,

    i find that phrase to be an oxymoron. How can you be g*y and completeley cross the boundaries and guidelines of God Almighty yet claim to be a "submitter to the will of God" (Muslim)? Allah is the judge at the end of the day but being a "Muslim" and knowing the boundaries, rules and guidelines and despite all of that insist on breaking them all by being g*y is somewhat outrageous. The so-called "g*y Muslim" must make a choice between the two and hopefully with the aid of good people around him/her he/she will choose the latter.

  3. This helped me. I found the way Join Me

  4. Why do all the non-Muslims come in here to claim that homosexuality is legitimate.

    If you do not like what you see, then refrain from posting.

    Say: O disbelievers! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I shall not worship that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion. (Qur'an 109:1-6)

  5. marry Muslims like you

  6. worship God. follow his rules more and more.Reading the Qur'an everyday or at least every friday believe me it helps. what is ur problem? u haven't actually said so i've been general with my answer. good luck.

  7. Quite simple, let Allah be the judge.

    Edit: all those people saying they should marry the opposite s*x. Well will you marry some one knowing they are g*y, even if they haven't done any thing? What will you do if you found out that your spouse absolutely detests sleeping with you? Yes these are real questions we need to ask before we play with other people's lives.

    Pedophillia, beastiality are both considered mental disorders according to the APA, homosexuality is not.

  8. I use Renu. It's great. My eyes never feel dry or anything.

    Haha, okay, that was a joke. I think the best solution is to gently remind them of the evils of homosexuality and also remind them of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.


  9. They need to open their hearts to Allah and he will guide them, for what they are doing is a sin and they should not give into it.

  10. you can't be g*y and muslim. that is just idiotic,b/c Allah destroyed two cities for this behavior alone!

  11. deciding what is more important:

    Love and what is real emotion

    or their religion that is debatable

  12. Muslims who think they are g*y, need all our support in helping them to overcome this type of behaviour ( they are probably very depressed of their sexual orientation) , through lots of counselling, Islamic knowledge and teachings.

  13. Salam for you dear.g*y is a man who has behaviour just like a woman so he wears cloth like a woman too .g*y loves another g*y ..In the Qur'an Allah informed Muhammad about g*y in the history of Luth prophet and his tribe.They made sexual relationship among men .Allah got angry because Allah created man for woman and vice versa..Allah cursed them by earth quakes and storms with stones so all of g**s died.

    A good solution for g*y muslim (1)give them advice that Allah prohibites muslim to be g*y (2)consult them to the psycholog

    ist  and ulama for curing his abnormal behaviour (3)ricite Qu'an and recommend them to understand well Qur'an and Hadits (4)suggest them to pray/shalat at least 5 times a day on time (5)suggest them to do zikir or remind Allah (6)suggest them to mengle with good and normal muslim men in the community and at the mosque for hearing sermon and shalat in togetherness (7)suggest to their parents to control them and improve their behaviour step by step and improve also their environment by avoiding contact with another g*y. (8)give them the knowledge for being independent and give them job (9)get them married if they have been cured and being a normal muslim men.

  14. hope and prayers but Alhamdolillah there r no real homo muslims in this world...let all the wahabis and qadayanis be...they r not muslims..

    and in Manal said..there r no g*y muslims! Alhamdolillah all muslims know whats right and wrong (just practical muslims, not the ones by name only)

  15. People of Lut (A.S) are best example for him

    these were the worst people who got all 5 types of Punishment @ one time.

    History is still avabile let him check that out

  16. If Mohammed could consummate his marriage with a 9 year old, I don't see why there should be a problem with g*y Muslims.

    All joking aside, there is no good solution for that.

  17. To not get married.

    It's either you get married to the opposite s*x or stay single.

  18. There's a difference between being g*y, and actually practising homosexuality. Even if a person is inclined to the same s*x, he is required to curb his desires just as in the case where a person is inclined to a woman who is Har'am for him. He is required to control his desires and abstain.

    However, an innate inclination towards homosexuality does not render it natural and ultimately acceptable. Those who believe they're "allegedly" g*y, are g*y simply because they've programmed their brains into believing they're homosexuals. If you keep telling yourself something, you eventually start to believe yourself, and people willingly believe what they wish. It's a psychological illness. Just as those who commit the sickening acts of paedophillia, incest, bestiality..... all in the head - not in the genes.

    My advice to you is, if you're lusting over other women, then you must curb your desires and refrain from thinking or even going there. Don't evolve these sickening thoughts either, as your subconscious  mind then will take over your thoughts. Find yourself a nice man, and get married.

    EDIT: Signorina Lizardi, It has become fashionable for so called scientists, biologists, social engineers & others to claim that homosexuality is "genetic" that is not the case at all. There are so many people out there, men and women who engage in the sickening acts of bestiality, incest, even paedophilia. Can you say that is in the genetics too? no, it's not, but psychological. If you're arguing it's okay to be g*y, have these thoughts, then logic says you will have no problem with convicting a paedophile for his sickening acts? because you will argue it's in the genes, he was born with it?'s not his fault.

  19. you mean happy and g*y? or do you mean kamiloot? if the latter is the worry the solution is not to be homosexual

  20. is a solution necessary?

  21. What do you mean, "a solution"?

    It's none of our business what other people do. Everything is between them and Allah.

    I'm not perfect, nobody is. The only prayer I did today was Fajr, and I did it 6 hours late, at 9 am! So who am I to judge...

  22. Live a life of solitude. If a "muslim" is g*y, it means that they let themselves become g*y, which obviously is a great sin in islam. Besides, how CAN you be g*y, without like going out with a g*y guy or something? You're not supposed to date with anyone! Any who, stay away from guys, try to be straight, you have a disease of the mind, you can fix anything with Allah swt's guidance, if you don't believe you can change, then just live a straight life that may be miserable-seeming to you, but Allah swt will know how much you have struggled.

  23. not to be g*y.

  24. Good solution for 'g**s' are to fantasise about women..

    Jack off while you think of women if that helps... or if you're a L*****n then play with yourself while fantasising about men!

    Just get rid of the g*y-thoughts..

    and dont practice gaysex cause its dangerous.. I'm serious. g**s get more sexually transmitted disease (plus its disgusting).. ask your doctor, if you dont believe me.

    having gaysex is a very major sin!

    so save your own life in this world and in the next.

  25. why should you or anyone else care for homosexuals

    its their life why should anyone else care!

    they arent telling us to become homosexuals as well so why should we do anything about them!!!

  26. There ain't no solutions. It's prohibited.

  27. Why do these darn Christians feel the need to talk smack about Mohammad (pbuh) when their own priests mollest little boys and girls everyday in churches? When was the last time you heard news about a Muslim father raping his own daughter? When was the last time you heard news of a Muslim girl getting pregnant by her own brother or father?  For some reason that's a bad seed in their tree but for Muslims they're all bad. And they call us intolerant, look at their intolerance toward educating themselves about the truth.

    And to answer their bigoted lies, there is no evidence whatsoever that Mohammad(saw) married a 9 yr old, that's an absurd statement to make because there's no historical evidence of that. It's funny how they cherry pick and put a limelight on lies about Islam and Muslims and completely ignore the fact that Mohammad(saw) was a noble man, they don't have to be Muslims to believe that. Many historical figures, as well as current priests, historians, and well educated people ADMIT that Mohammad(was) was of good character.

  28. Probably water-based.

  29. If someone is g*y, he is not muslim.

    If someone is Muslim, he is not g*y.

    It's as simple as this.

    There are no g*y muslim. Doesn't exist.

  30. Realizing that homosexuality is natural, and  (Islamically speaking) if Allah gave them the natural desire to be attracted to the same gender, we mustn't defy that.

    Alternatively, Allah and prophet Muhammad suggested lashing. That's all very clearly explained in the Quran and hadith.

    EDIT: There are people who are born with minor, moderate and major mental disorders which are caused by their genetic material and have nothing to do with nurture. Is Tourette's (or other such mental disorders) "psychological"?

    Even certain types psychopathy have genetic links. It is an accepted fact.

    Homosexuals, on the other hand, don't harm anyone- that includes themselves. So their condition isn't a disorder.

    FYI: Researches have shown an INverse correlation between intelligence/education and religion. So the assumption that (some) idiots willingly accept the fallacy of religion as fact is a fair and safe assumption.

    I wonder why God created dump people more able to understand him. Lol.

  31. in islam homeosexuality is prohibited so i see no solution if they have already turned their backs unless they are willing to turn again which is through repentance and acceptance.

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