
What is a good strategy for a defense blockade when playing chess?

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What is a good strategy for a defense blockade when playing chess?




  1. ok first u cant ask that question when ure name is lil g. chess i mean come on.  

  2. Knights can get behind enemy lines.

  3. I'm going to assume you are playing as Black since they typically are put on defense first.  A lot depends on white's opening move, i.e. whether they play their king pawn or queen pawn first.  For king pawn openings I like the Sicilian Defense.  It allows for some decent counterattacking chances.  To respond to queen pawn openings I like the French Defense.  For openings where white does not play either pawn check out the Nimzo-Indian defenses.  You can google all of these for the general ideas behind each one.  I'd also recommend a book by Bill Robertie, I think the title is Chess Openings from Cardoza Publishers.

  4. The most defensive World Champion:


    The World Champion with the best reputation for being an exceptionally gifted defensive player (he might have many draws, but he always had none or few losses)

    was Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian (lived June 17, 1929 – August 13, 1984).

    Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian was World Chess Champion from 1963 to 1969.

    He was nicknamed "Iron Tigran" due to his playing style because of his almost impenetrable defence, which emphasised safety above all else.

    There are hundreds of his games, with an interactive board with which you can study, at:


    You will be well-served to study those games.

    The most defensive Chess Openings:


    The Chess Opening with the reputation for being stodgy (i.e. solidly built defensively)

    is the Caro-Kann.  The opening begins with 1.e4 c6, 2.d4 d5.

    The same position can be somewhat naturally also be reached by 1.d4 c6, 2.e4 d5.

    There are thousands of Caro-Kann games with an interactive board with which you can study Caro-Kann (B10-B19) Caro-Kann:




    • • •


    You will be well-served to study those games.

    King's Indian Defence and Pirc Defence also are, in a sense, initially setting up a defensive blockade. In these openings, Black sets up his initial position the same way without much regard to what normal moves White is making. The plan is often to eventually unleash the latent power of the fianchettoed bishop on g7.


    You will be well-served to study those games.

    Words of caution:


    It may not always be the best stategy for you personally,

    to only set-up a defense blockade when playing chess,

    without also focusing on developing counter-attacking opportunities.

    • That is because by nature it is easier to attack

    because exact moves must be found to defend well.

    • When attacking, it is often true that there are several ways to win,

    and even less-than-best moves can often force a win anyway

    Have fun playing chess.  Good luck with your results.

  5. kings indian

  6. Black is the key to defense, always first

    USE the silicon move.

    horses are good in begin game, and try not use ur queen so early.

    One of the stupidest mistakes u can make.

    Bishop and knight in the right places in the center of the board are POWERFUL, as u take control, u minimize every move ur opponent makes.

  7. The most I've ever encountered on a defensive opponent is that they'll wait for you to attack first. My strategy: set up a combo. I'll use my pawns to lure a piece out. But not any pawn. Usually one that will expose the king. It's tricky, but hey I always love a challange.

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