
What is a good strategy to use playing pocket aces under the gun?

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What is a good strategy to use playing pocket aces under the gun?




  1. Just put in a standard raise for the table (usually 3-5x the BB). If it happens to be one of those tables where 5 players call in every hand, then double up the raise to weed out the maniacs. No matter what comes on the flop, put in a standard raise of about 70% of the pot. After that, you've got to use your poker skills to determine what to do next.

  2. First off, as the two answers above me have implied, NEVER slow-play pocket aces.  You don't want to give anyone the opportunity to outdraw you with weaker cards.  The point is to make it as expensive as possible for others to stay in the pot with you, but still drag along those with decent cards but which are still far behind yours.  3x the bb or between 75% to a pot-sized bet is a good play.  I would disagree on one point, though.  Even if you end up with only the blinds and the antes, be happy with them.  It's better than getting bad-beaten by rags.  After the flop you're going to bet the h**l out of them--at least pot-sized.  Once board cards are out you're in much more dangerous territory.  It might be nice to have  player or two along with you and have a nicely built pot but unless the flop improves your aces you now want them OUT.

  3. Remember that your goal is to play heads up or three way.  You do not want a table of callers, since even with aces your odds go way down.

    So it depends on the table, since every table is different.  Bet enough to get most people to fold, but not so much that everyone folds and all you win is the blinds.

  4. slow ride them and at the last time go and bet a lot or go all in

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