
What is a good tattoo to get for remembering a specific person?

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This person isn't dead or anything. It's just someone who is very special to me, and I will be moving away soon and I don't know when I will see them again. I want to get some kind of tattoo to remind me of them. Nothing to big. And no names or anything. Someone suggested I get a tattoo of their zodiac symbol. Can I hear some other ideas?




  1. a tattoo of something that represents the person and/or reminds you of them.

  2. do some free association other words...focus your thoughts on the person and see what visuals or memories come to mind. create your own "symbol" for them. once you have some ideas i recommend going to a tattoo design website and searching for the images that you came up with...

    the following link has thousands of award winning designs and sketches to pick from and manipulate to your liking and the position on your body. virtually any style can be found, so you can be sure to come up with your own unique design that you won't find on anyone else. http://bunbun7.choppertat.hop.clickbank....

    i myself have two tattoos that i got to remind me of special people in my life...and of all my tattoos these ones are my favorite because they encapsulate a whole story. good luck!

  3. Get something that is a symbol of that person or your relationship with that person.  For example, I want to get a tattoo dedicated to my mom.  Since my mom likes Tinkerbell, I was thinking of getting Tinkerbell using her pixie dust to form my mom's initials.  It's not a cheesy heart with "MOM" on it and it's something that is a symbol of her.  Try and think of something like that for your tattoo.  That way, not only will it have meaning for you, but it will also be one-of-a-kind!

  4. if this person likes a certain something, like an object that symbolizes them, thats a possibility or an activity they love doing, just my 2 cents for ya  

  5. If this person is special in your life, who you will never forget, then why not? Tattoos are a wonderful way to symbolize a certain love for a friend, family member, or significant other. You could go to the tattoo parlor and let them pick a picture out (or let them design it or find one online). That way- it's something that they chose without it being a name or anything pinpointed at that person. So, everytime you look at the tattoo you can remember that person.

    I moved away from my best friend, but we were too young for tattoos. We have gotten tattoos together since, but not one to represent eachother. We plan to in the near future.

    Good luck!

  6. Find something that represents your friendship. Something you have done together, a memory you share, their favorite...whatever. I would shy away from getting their zodiac though. First, zodiacs are way over done and second, people will think it is yours and you may have to explain and tell the story over and over. But, bottom line, it's really up to you.  

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