
What is a good tip amount in mexico?

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my friends and i are going to mexico in july and i was wondering what is a good amount to tip waiters there (in pesos) so we can have good service. are the drinks really that watered down? everybody says they are. we're staying at the Hotetur Beach Paradise hotel and it's all inclusive. Also, is july a good time to go to mexico? i understand that it rains a lot. is dady o nightclub a good place to go to for young ppl? we're both in our 20's :)




  1. You did not say where in Mexico you are going so it is hard to answer about the rain, but I am guessing a coastal resort town. If so, yes, it may rain.. But that really does not have much effect on anything because it is hot and the rain is just a nice cooler. Streets may flood a bit if you are in the tropics, but again, no sweat. Do what you were going to do and enjoy. In an hour or so it will all be gone.

    Tip should be 10 to 15% of the bill. Makes no differance if you are paying pesos or dollars. 10% is 10%. I NEVER tip less that 10 pesos, even if my bill is $50 or $60 Pesos. It takes a waiter as long to bring one drink as it does to bring 10. When you pay for, or sign for the bill at an AI place, just tip 10 to 15% and they will be happy.

  2. The normal is 15 percent on the total amount of the bill.    If the service is spectacular we tip 20 or 30 percent.  

    The salary of a waiter is only 4 dollars a day.

  3. For a bellboy or a valet parking guy 20 pesos, for service in restaurants mexicans honestly don't pay more than 10% it's the same everywhere, but we do expect americans to be a little bit more generous.

    Oh, and I forgot, don't pay the tip with the credit card. The restaurant tends to keep it.

    And we don't tip taxi drivers here so don't get fooled!

  4. tip as you would normally tip. The locals who are lucky enough to have a job are hard working and usually tips is all they make

  5. It depends on the service as it does everywhere.  Anywhere from nothing to 20%.   Don't forget the hotel maids and not just waiters and taxi drivers

  6. $10. to $50. pesos

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