
What is a good track time for a 14 year old girl in the 100m and 200m sprints?

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My daughter has been coming in around 13.50 for the 100m and 28.65 for the 200m. Should we encourage her to continue in track ? She is small for her age and has alot of growing to do when she gets to HS.

Is this good enough to compete ?




  1. she is a really decent speed, actually.  keep encouraging her, and she will do really well, she is actually abouve standards.

  2. yes! those are very good times! im a varsity runner in hs and my times are only a little faster than those (100- 12.9 and 200-27.1) and when she grows more she will be even better! i go to a small school, so her times might not be as impressive as they would be in my town, but they are still very good. she is definitely good enough to compete and if she's enjoying track, of course encourage her to do it!

  3. yes, assuming she is in 8th grade, her 100 and 200m are good times but she should work on both alittle bit more. she will probaby be great in highschool ,and track is a fun and challinging sport, she will bennifit from it and it will help her get in better shape!

    she should try to build up her speed in the 200 more than 100m her times are pretty good though.

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