
What is a good traditional Ojibwa Recipe?

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I'm looking for something that I could make for my world studies class.




  1. Ojibwa are known for their tradition of harvesting wild rice. It's not really rice, but a very dark brown grass seed. It's available for sale in most rice sections of bigger grocery stores. Ojibwa also ate corn, squash and beans(the three sisters), fish, wild game, honey, Maple sap, seasonal wild fruits and berries, the red current being a favorite. You could buy a jar of red current jelly and serve on little crackers.  You could make wild rice (see link). Or buy some wild rice and follow the directions to make plain rice and then add honey or Maple syrup to sweeten. Take to school in a plastic covered dish and serve cold- give each student a spoonful with plastic spoons so they can taste.

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