
What is a good treat for a bird?

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Well, What is a good treat for a bird. I am trying to teach it tricks, But i need a treat, Also what is a good play toy for a bird?

Thanks :)




  1. i give my bird sunflower seeds and they love them and it gives them energy

  2. My budgie loves lettuce & celery

    If trying to train him, don't buy him a mirror as he will think it's  a real bird and a new mate and not play with you anymore.

    Buy him a bell and a cuttlefish.

  3. my budgerigar loves spinach, fresh grass & leafy vegetables..

  4. when i was training my bird i gave it small pieces of fruit like apple it really liked that. i don't think you can beat a bell. my bird used to follow that around when i was playing with it. i just jingled it and it flew to me then eventually i gradually removed the  bell and it learnt to fly to me.

  5. i stick with millet sprays, mine looove them, check out for good bird info

  6. Cut up fruit, like apples and grapes (my lovebird loves them). And any pet store will have toys for birds.

  7. Popcorn or bread

  8. Sorry to contradict Cameron but bread is a no-no. Many birds have sensitive tummies. Also don't try it unless your SURE its ok. It really depends on the bird species. I have budgies and am told they die if you feed them nuts and seeds that are too big as they are more oily and their little bodies can't process it. My budgies love love LOVE millet sprays. They make a big mess but I think it makes them feel like they're in the wild. I peg them to the cage top. I also feed them lettuce and apple - pre washed to make sure no pesticides or wax. They love the water droplets on it.

    You can buy special bird treats with honey and dried fruit (made for their breed - see the box) but my experience is they don't love these much.

    My budgies love their swing and play with the beads on the side, and they love bells. I have some colourful rings they are meant to squeeze through. They dont really do that as the rings are a bit small but it has a bell on it and they throw it around with their beaks to get attention! Cute!

    They take a while to get used to the toys and wont go near them. I find the girl is braver than the boy at first ;-) and they now have a breeder box tied up the top and they love to walk on top and scavenge around and the girl gets inside where it is all padded and plays with some dry grass I put inside for her.

    A lot of people recommend mirrors but if you use them the bird will become obsessed with its own reflection and be anti-social. Worst of all they won't talk to you. My boy bird loves our attention and sings to us all day long. He is lots of fun and showers with daddy, hops on our toothbrush while brushing and tries to hop in our food and eat it! Haha! Budgies can be great pets if you get them young and just be really patient with them. They remember if you rouse on them which is hard not to if they bite you and sometimes they do if they are abit hyper or don't want to leave the cage/hop back in. We don't have their wings clipped but we are very careful to lock all the doors when they are out. Our girl bird had a hard life in the pet shop but she is more and more trusting as she sees the love we have for the boy. I swear they have taught us a lot for having kids.

    I love my liddle birdies :D

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