
What is a good treatment for hiccups?

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What is a good treatment for hiccups?




  1. from the home remedies guides:

        * Hold your breath.

        * Drink a glass of water quickly.

        * Become frightened.

        * Use smelling salts.

        * Pull hard on your tongue.

        * Place one-half teaspoon of dry sugar on the back of your tongue. (You can repeat this process 3 times at 2-minute intervals. Use corn syrup, not sugar, in young children.)

        * Place an ice bag on the diaphragm for sometime,

        * Sip ice water quickly,

        * Close your eyes and gently press your eye balls,

        * Drink a glass of soda water quickly.

        * Eat some sugar,

        * Eat one tbsp peanut butter.


    Interesting and insightful!

  3. All those answers are good, but hiccups are caused by the diaphram being irritated, and spazzing out, so if you relax, take a glass of water, and drink it, it should stop. But you dont have to drink it upside down, take a sip, and keep the glass at your mouth, then when you feel you are about to hiccup again take another drink, like drowning the hiccups, you may have to do it about 3 or 4 times, then they are gone.

  4. Drink upside down?!

    I do that.. Spill a little, whatever.


    Or hold your breath, when you feel you must let it out, breathe in again.

    So on until you feel like your going to explode.

    Thats what my mum does.


  5. take really deep breathes really fast do it about 10 times hold it for 10 secs or however long you can hold it then let go and they should be gone!

    hope it helps i hate the hiccups!

  6. keep taking short, consecutive breaths

  7. suck a lime

  8. a teaspoon of smooth peanut butter. works everytime

  9. Swallow a spoonful of sugar..  if that doesn't work a spoonful of peanut butter usually does the trick....

    or you can stick a wooden number 2 pencil between your teeth and drink water with it in your mouth..

    Good luck.

  10. kissing someone is the only way that works for me...but it has to be a real kiss not just a peck, soon you will be getting into the kiss and your diaphragm muscles will relax

  11. Relax your breathing, take slow controlled breaths. Then hold your breath for as long as you can. Take a slow controlled breath then hold it again.

    It usually works for me after the first try but always by the second try.

  12. hold your breath for 10 (mississippi) seconds, drink a glass of water, get scared by something

  13. Hold your breath and swallow as many times as possible before you have to restart breathing!

  14. drink a glass of water upside down works for me put your head down over the sink and drink the glass of water make sure its a pint and drink the lot without stoping

  15. Drink a glass of water while holding your breath. Or concentrate really greatly on the hiccups and they sometimes cease.

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