
What is a good type of ball to use in baseball if you play baseball in a coltasac

by Guest55651  |  earlier

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Me and friends play baseball in a coltasac and it is about 40 feet from the home to the homerun mark what type of bat and ball should we use we have been using a wiffle ball bat and a Tuffy SFT Foam Baseball thank you




  1. wiffle ball bat and a wiffle ball.....and don't try to crush the wiffle ball the lighter you swing the bat the farther it goes

  2. Keep using the wiffle ball, if you get any other ball it will fly and u be hitting hr all the time, for the bat u shud get a plastic bat with a big barrel, its so much fun.

  3. try switching to a broom stick it will have a little more pop if you hit it well but is easier to hit it poorly

  4. In Brooklyn we used to cork a wiffle ball bat with paper and wet it. We played with a tennis ball.

    Good luck and God bless.

  5. Just don't use anything too hard tat could break something easily. Wiffle ball is the best unless you wanna hit it far, go with a tennis ball.

  6. Well i think it was about two years ago,

    me and my friends played in a culdesac and we used a tball bat with a tennis ball

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