One of my best friends is vegan, and she loves the vegan food. She became vegan because she was overweight, and she lost almost 30 pounds in one year!
So sometimes my brother and I go to her house, and she always wants to cook something vegan for us. One day, she wanted to cook one so badly, and we just couldn't say no. She said it was so extremely tasty, but when we tried it, it was rather bland and tasteless. Here's what she used (no real measurements):
She cooked tofu and dill together in olive oil. Then she put it in a lettuce leaf, topped it with some dressing (balsamic and basil vinaigrette), and then wrapped it.
I'm no epicurean chef or anything, but one day, I'd want to give her a vegan meal she'll remember... that isn't so tasteless. Any ideas?