
What is a good way for the U.S. to poll out of IRAQ and save face?

by Guest63623  |  earlier

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If I was President I'd leave a small force of about 15,000 in IRAQ and pull out of there so fast that Russia could only think "What the h***s up, What have We done", putting all and about 30,000 more in Europe and show those Dam Russians the in spite of all we went through we still have the muscle to push them out of Georgia just like we did to them in the Cuban Missile Crisis, We would get the chance to be the good guys again, just like in WWI & WWII sending a message to the world that we don't play that Bull and we are not intimidated by some **** talking Putin guy, Short and Medium range missiles and enough of American ground Troops and tanks and Planes would get there behinds moving a little faster out of Georgia. George Bush has nothing to lose and all to gain by accomplishing that. just my thought. BOBBY BOUCHA For PRESIDENT.




  1. How gonna that 30000 more armed guyz catch 5000 russian nukes in the flight?

    If you wana die, please do it your self. There is no reason for taking ppl around you to the h**l.

    And well, Russia has quite a stock of dollars and treasury obligations. They can one day sell these and lay final blow to the financial system of US.

    In the resulting crysis russians would suffer too, as their economy is export-oriented. They wouldn't do so if they have other options.

  2. Save face? Are you drunk? We have more than enough people already stationed in Europe to handle anything there. The entire 82nd and 101st is now stateside for the first time in years and I am sure, more than willing to jump on Ruskie. There is no need to pull troops from Iraq in order to cover any conflict. In case you are not aware, US Military doctrine requires the ability to sustain four different conflicts at any given time.

    You listen to too much nonsense about being stretched to it's limit. That is total garbage.  

  3. i would like Iraqis to tell us to leave, not just a few of them, but the majority.  then we should just leave.  then in the future they could not say we abandoned them.  when we first went into afghanistan, one of the biggest complaints had about the US is that we abandon our allies too quickly.

  4. Why do so many brave guys view the world as if they were playing a computer game?

  5. I think americans should only leave iraq when there goverment asks them to, and going to war with russia is just stupid for so many reasons.

  6. Bobby I am going to personally write to Mr Bush and have you made a five star general.

    Go bobby go.....

  7. Actually, Russia didn't do anything wrong. Georgia (the ally which the USA funded, equipped and trained prior to their sneak-attack on Ossetia) started it. Russia acted to protect the people of Ossetia.

  8. I agree with most of it, Iraqis have asked us to leave thats why there is a withdrawl date in the works, as far as putting troops in Europe to show Russia we don't play around could be a mistake. Russia might get intimidated but they then would put troops close to our troops to show they won't stand down, then we would have a stand off, with either country not wanting to stand down, then what? Go to war with Russia? If we did go to war, most likely Nuclear Weapons would eventually be used once one country or the other where loosing badly, then the other side would retaliate with Nuclear Weapons, then we would have a Nuclear War, and in a Nuclear war no one wins. I would, send spies in, find where there Nuclear weapon facilities are, once a high majority of them are found, use an air strike on them to take them out of the picture. Around the same time as the Airstrike send Troops in and take Strategic cities, and eventually take Russia out of the picture, no possible way for them to use Nuclear Weapons (Which all in all is why we're afraid to attack Russia in the first place) then that would show the world that the US, doesn't just talk, but they DO.  

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