
What is a good way of refusing party drugs without seeming judgemental or too 'straight'?

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What is a good way of refusing party drugs without seeming judgemental or too 'straight'?




  1. Say "no thanks, I'm trying to give it/them up"


    "no thanks, it always makes me throw up"

    That should be enough

  2. just never tell people "no thanks, it's bad for you" or stuff like that it could seem like you are judging them. just be like no thanks I don't care to try that yet but i don't mind if you do.

  3. When they offer just say "No thanks I'm good" and keep doing what you were doing before or pass it on to the next person. I have learned making up excuses and "trying" to fit in make you seem more out of place than anything else. If they ask you why or pressure you just keep saying "no thanks". You will get more respect for being upfront and they will stop offering the drugs to you.

    1. Don't act embarrassed or ashamed. (you will seem "too straight)

    2. Don't give a detailed explaination. (Just say "I don't feel like it./"no thanks"")

    3. Keep saying no!

    4. If they tease you or say something like I guess you're too good for us you can say that you don't have anything against them you just don't think it's for you.


  4. no thanks i don't use

  5. Nah mate I'm high enough already, great party

  6. Good question.


    "No, thanks - but I can't afford a bad record right now"

    "I have a drug screening in the morning"

    "naw, my work does random drug screenings, I can't afford to lose my job"

    "No, I'm having a great time without it - plus it's a lot of fun to watch everyone else! haha!"

    "No, I'm going to have to drive tonight" or "No, I'm the Designated Driver"

  7. just say "No thanks, alcohol is all I need"

  8. you could just be honest and say no thanks, not for me. and really ppl appreciate that you can stand up and be yourself OR you could just always have a drug test coming up

    either way good for you!!

  9. just say straight out "no thanks".  You don't need to say anything more, but if they ask why say you're not into that or that you been drinking (coz you shouldn't drink and dump), not in the mood.  Whatever, say anything - say you've already had a pill but it's not working and if you have another then that might kick in double time.

    Really though, if they are good friends (if you are gonna take drugs, don't take them from strangers - always try to know the supplier) they won't mind that you aren't taking it and they won't pressure you. If they are good friends you should be able to say no and not have to explain yourself.

    Good on you!

  10. Your next party E-mail me,I will give you my address and send them my way,it's been a long time......oh the good old days!!!!! LOL,just kidding. Tell the high-ons to get lost!!!!!

  11. Just saying no thanks should be enough.  It is also easier to say no if you have someone else with you that will not be doing that either.  If you don't make it seem like a big deal it won't be a big deal.

  12. i dont know why you would wanna refuse something like weed, BUT, just be like, nawww im good, if you say it in a cool way, they'll be like iight, but if your like, ew no, there gona think your a ******, and that you think your too good or soemthing, and if they say why not after you say naw, just be like, my stomach is woozy and i didnt eat antyhing, cause your nver supposed to smoke if you didnt eat, it ****** destroysss your stomach

  13. As long as you say it with a smile and with confidence - you want quiet perception that you're comfortable with your choice.  "No, I'm cool" or "That's OK, it's not my thing."  No need to sound wishy-washy or embarrased about your choice - then you will sound uncool.  And if they ask multiple times, start pressing you, tell them THEY are uncool.  (It would be very odd if I sound super straight, 'cause I rarely turned down any weed when I was younger.)

  14. "No thanks!  I'm in training for watching the Olympics and want to be able to pass a drop test."  

  15. Who cares? If your friends can't accept that you don't want to use drugs, you need new friends. If they're not your friends, who cares?

    Just let them know that while psychosis and brain damage are totally hot right now, you like to bang it old school with your good friend Mr. Gin and Tonic.

    Or say something like "you aren't the boss of me, man!" and storm off.

    Or let them know that once the Serotonin stores in your brain are over-stimulated by recreational drugs they will never in your lifetime reach their original, natural level. That is after one use. Serotonin is what makes you capable of feeling happy. Basically recreational "uppers" remove the inhibitor from your brain, which stops all of your serotonin being used up, if, for example, you win the lottery or get proposed to or whatever would naturally make you very happy. Once it's gone, it takes years and years to replenish itself, and you won't live long enough to get it all back. If you know this, good. If you don't, it's just one more reason to forget what the stoners think about you, tell them you're not interested.

    Seriously though, it can seem hard to tell your peers/friends that you don't want to do something that they do. However, good friends won't judge you, and neither will people worth becoming friends with. You don't want to spend an entire friendship stepping on eggshells about certain topics. Tell things to people straight, there's no point in hiding the truth. If you keep making excuses "no, I can't tonight, blah blah" you'll just get a reputation as a piker. If you show some courage and just say that you're not into that, you'll get respect from the people who matter.

  16. just say no

    and be your own person

  17. Just politely say, "I'm sorry you F-ing Tard, I want to use my brain some day, thanks though! :)"

  18. Your allergic to them. Or your getting a blood or urine test tomorrow.

  19. You should always say ''no'' to drugs.. You really shouldn't hang out with people who take drugs at parties.. these are dangerous drugs and you become addictive easily and they ruin a life.. so be smart.. go to parties with friends who don't do drugs.. Stay away from that crowd.. Some of them don't know what they do when they get ''high'' on speed or extasy.. you don't want to try this out to see what it's like.  because once you are addicted to it.. you have a h**l of a lot of trouble to get free from this poison... it really makes a person dependent and it ruins lives.. so  say ''no thanks''[ and hang out with a different kind of friends who have fun at a party without doing drugs.. x*x  This has nothing to do with being ''uncool'' it's daft to get involved with drugs... and dangerous...  xx

  20. Say something like "No, not tonight" or "I'm not up for it right now". You could even say something like "that's not my kind of drug" or "maybe later" Nobody is going to get mad at you for not wanting to do drugs with them, it just means there's more left for them to take.

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