
What is a good way to answer, how would you teach evolution and intelligent design in the classroom?

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How about, how would you teach a child who is not focused?

How about what is your discipline plan like?

How about, how would you teach a students who are high achievers and those that are struggling?




  1. Intelligent design is the same deism's devine watchmaker concept believed by Washington, Jefferson, Hamliton, Franklin, Paine, Locke and Smith. Intelligent design doesn't have any scincetific merit since it is not vetted nor can it be tested sciencetifically. Intellignet design must be treated as theology and religion. Evolution on the other had can be seen in ecoli in twenty minutes and is vetted and tested so it must be science and currently no evidence conterdict evolution, none. The two subjects don't belong in the same classroom ones theology and ones biology. If i am biology teacher teach evolution, if I am a theology and religion teacher explain the belief of intelligent design like all other theology.  

  2. I would teach science and tell them the facts and bolth sides. When I say teach ID i don't mean religion. You should teach science and let them decide and teach the flaws radiometric dating and what the creation side says instead of indoctrinating the students  

  3. If this is a science class, then I would first gain a good understanding of what the *SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY* feels about these two ideas.

    Please do not be suckered by the false premise that science class is about "teaching both sides" whenever some scientific principle disagrees with your own personal religious beliefs.   Science is science.   A science class is about teaching the very *basics* of how science works, and what the major ideas of modern science are.   It is not for you to decide that the overwhelming consensus of the world's scientists are wrong about something as *FUNDAMENTAL* as evolution is to biology ... and to "teach both sides" so that students are left with the false impression that this is something being debated in the scientific community.   Because, if you honestly investigate the question, you will find that it just isn't.  

    And people who insist that Intelligent Design is not about religion are frankly being dishonest.   Arguments to bring Intelligent Design always, always, always come from people with strong religious reasons for doing so.   Always.   That doesn't mean that their *arguments* are religious.  It means that their *reasons* are religious.   They want Intelligent Design presented as an option precisely because it opens the door for that Intelligent Designer being acknowledged as a supernatural Creator.

    There is *NO* effort to bring Intelligent Design into the science classroom coming from the science community at large.  NONE.  There are many prestigious scientific organizations, and ALL of them are very very clear in their opposition to teaching a half-baked concept that doesn't even rise to the level of scientific hypothesis, much less a theory on equal footing with evolution, which is one of the two *CORNERSTONE* ideas of modern biology (the other being cell theory).

    So please, if you are going to teach responsibly, then at the very least tell the kids honestly what the scientific community currently thinks, and *WHY* they think it.  If your religious convictions compel you to bring up Intelligent Design as well, then at least be honest about its relative lack of support in the scientific community.  

    These kids are counting on you.  Do not leave them confused.

  4. I would teach whatever was dictated by the school curriulum; your teacher's guide will have all the necessary activities (if any) for you to cover this topic.  As for my discipline plan, I use a variation of what you'll find at on the Discipline page.  For children not focused, I actively involve them in the lesson... bring them to the dry-erase board, with others, to have them work some problems.  For high achievers, I usually challenge them with bonus material... for those struggling, I do plenty of review.

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