
What is a good way to be happy again?

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i just feel a little depressed for some reason...:(




  1. Read a book,

    Talk on the phone


    Listen to music

    Come on here and answer Q's (always helps for me)

  2. If you can see the sky... Check out the stars.  Everything seems Tiny when you think of the how small the earth is compared to the universe... and then think of how long it would take you to walk to the nearest Store or gas station.  Then about how many gas stations there must be... in your town, then your state, the the country, then the world... then about how many cars there are on the road and about how long you think the oil will last, and then about if we are going to be able to make it off of this planet before that happens.

    and with all that thought on just that one subject, you would have completely for gotten about your depression.  and when it returns, cause it will, try thinking about how many chickens there must be, what with all of the KFCs and McDonald's and Purdue chickens at the stores, and in every store across the nation.  

  3. Surrender your life to God!! It's time to stop with the temporary distractions, as everyone else has suggested, and give your life to God- he does not disappoint. Those who seek will find.

  4. go out and do something fun. and try to get your mind off every thing.  

  5. Go for a walk. Walking helps release any demons that are

    bothering you.  

  6. Music!!!

    But not depressing, "slash ya wrists" music ... "ma dawgs dead and ma pappy's dah-in'a cancer" c**p.

    Grab your favourite CD or load up your iPod, and play it LOUD!

    Sing along; and dance around the room.

    I always find listening to my favourite tunes picks me up when I've got "the blues".

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