
What is a good way to become a better ice skater for ice hockey, like speed and quickness.?

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What is a good way to become a better ice skater for ice hockey, like speed and quickness.?




  1. practice practice practice

    work on stops and starts by doing quick sprints back and forth

  2. Snatch and jerk and squats for leg strength, with weights.

    Try running a lot of short sprints, medium and long as well.

    Use a box and hop over it with both feet and just one foot alternating to build up strength. Also with the box or step (exercise step that is) hop side to side for your lateral movement. the box doesn't have to be too high or too big. You can also "run the steps" at your local high school. Do a lot of biking whether it be stationary or mountain or regular.Pilate's or aerobics....those really does help. make sure you stay properly hydrated (drink water) and also stretch before and after your workouts! good luck...

    If you are having trouble, think to yourself and ask how much do you want it? How hard do you want to work to improve? Maybe it's technique, a good power skating school is a way to find those little things and fix them! That's why short range sprints will help with your starts etc. You may have a slower start and that can be improved and will help your overall speed too!

  3. You can get better through powerskating, check your rink to see if there are any clinics.  

    To be honest though, speed is natural.  You can't teach it, if you aren't natural fast you'll never be extremely fast.  But you can make yourself a little bit faster though.

  4. do a lot of skating. go to open skates and stuff like that. also go running every day or every other day, that will build up enduarance and also leg strength to be more agile. also they do make weights u can where when u skate which wud also build muscle. basically skate a lot and you should get better and better, practice makes perfect.. or close to it

  5. Take a power skating class you'll improve dramatically.

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