
What is a good way to build self esteem?

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ive recently become agraphobic due to low self esteem and a hatred for the way i look

what is a simple way to build self esteem? personal experiences?




  1. One, just one, really good and trustworthy friend - and yourself .... trust your friend not to belittle or lie to you, trust that you have made the right decision to trust this friend, trust that if you feel like this, so does over 80 percent of the rest of the population - difference? - they hide it better than you do..... the simple way? stay focussed only on that time and space that you occupy - don't concern yourself or worry about a picture that is bigger than you - you can't control that, but you can control that small time and space you occupy .... take pride and joy in doing your best and accepting you have tried your best, accept yourself on your own level - no-one elses- enjoy actually looking at yourself, thinking about yourself and saying 'I like you' and accepting it's ok and right to like yourself.... in doing this you are sending out a message to rest of the 'world' : this is a really nice person, this is a person that you will really like - I have accepted this person because I really like them, because they believe they are nice and they really like themselves ..... you will be amazed at how effective and affective the ability to self-appreciate rubs off on others .... there will be many who will be attracted to you and admire you because you have a self-confidence they lack ..... just like you are attracted to and admire those who have self-confidence in themselves..... it may take a bit of time, but perseverance has its own rewards - and you will be rewarded with achieving self-confidence and self-appreciation.... it's ok to love yourself and feel you have a worth ......

  2. be happy.try to smile a lot.don't worry.when u r happy u will build self-esteem urself.i even now have this isse but i m trying to overcome it.try to act confident.

  3. Working at a hospital with sick children.  It made me so grateful for what I had and those kids really taught me a lesson about life.  They would work so hard to get better.  I have heard that volunteering in general is good for self esteem and depression.

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