
What is a good way to decrease gangs, and violence on the streets ?

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What is a good way to decrease gangs, and violence on the streets ?




  1. Just pay the gangs their protection money and they'll leave you alone. How many times do they have to tell you?

  2. Ameliorate the education system - expect more from teachers, require them to have bachelors in education, then reward them with proper pay. Raise the curriculum standards, require more of students and hold them accountable to achieve the expectations. Provide more support staff, such as psychologists, speech therapists and social workers in the school. Expose children to all the possibilities in the world, believe in them and teach them to believe in themselves, that they can accomplish whatever they set their mind to. Involve the community in the school system, so they are contributors the safety and educational focus of the area. Initiate community programs such as neighborhood watch - a commitment that one would call the police when they see questionable behavior. Hold yourself and everyone you encounter to a higher standard.  

  3. it wont be easy. more sports teams in the community. higher expectations. giving kids a positive place where they can belong and feel apart of

  4. Government subsidized computers would get the gangs off the streets and onto the internet where they belong.

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