
What is a good way to die?

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I dug myself in to deep of a hole, I always had a will to live but had to many problems, now I have some physical problems I dont think I can live with

I am to scared to blow my head off or take a bunch of pills or jump off a bridge

is there a good peaceful way to kill yourself?




  1. I have always been told drowning is painless, once you quit trying to hold your breathe and inhale. It only takes seconds. Tie a rope and cinder block to your foot and get into a large body of water. Its also isone of the most fool-proof ways to do it.

    And before everyone jumps on me I only say this because this person is a coward. Its not your choice as to when you enter this life or exit this world. I sympathize especially after seeing my grandmother lose the fight aginst cancer early this year. But she did not quit, she never said the pain was too much, so I see no reason for her to be lumped into a category with this poster because its too much. Guess what friend, its always too much, rarely does anyone get a break. How we remember you is how you handle situations like this. Do you remember every detail of Hitlers life, no. But you d**n sure remember how he died right. Like a coward nestled in a hallway choking on cianide.

    If you submit then go ahead and get the h**l off my planet. Like you said your too scared so go ahead and take the easy way out and drown. That way nobody has the burden of digging a hole for someone such as yourself

  2. Please do not kill yourself-- your life is precious. Just pretend your life is a page and erase. Put your old life behind you and start over again. There are so many great things that you can do- don't waist your chances!

  3. Errm...Don't!

    Talk about your problems with friends first or a professional, no need to kill yourself!


  4. You need to talk to someone.  NOTHING is worth taking your life...your pain will be gone but your family and friends will be in pain forever.  There is a option other that killing yourself.  That is the cowards way out!

  5. One of the only GOOD ways is peacefully in your sleep. You can't end your life now, maybe it can get better. Or maybe you'll gain an experience out of this that you couldn't die for(no pun intended). Sorry, can't tell you ways to kill yourself. :-/

  6. try to die naturally.  It is the best way to go. Especially, when, later on, you realize all of the problems you think you have now are totally insignificant and you will wonder why you even thought of killing yourself over it.  Or you might not even remember what is upsetting you so much now.  When that happens, you will be glad you chose to die naturally.

  7. Don't do it please, I know life seems really bad, like the world is falling down on top of you, but killing yourself won't solve anything. Things will get better if you just have the faith to wait and see, I promise. Just be strong.

  8. DONT KILL YOURSELF! try to solve your problem. we only have 1 chance to live. TRY to enjoy it. plz?

  9. First of all, IF you were going to kill yourself you wouldnt tell anyone about it first.  You would just do it.  **My uncle killed himself and know one knew it was a problem**.  I dont know if you exactly believe this kind of stuff but killing yourself is a sin and how are you for sure that your afterlife wont be 100 times worse than your life on earth??

    You dont so why not try and make the best of what you have now.  God only gives you what you can handle think of some alternative methods like a hobby, or a job.  

  10. The only peaceful way I know of is in your sleep. But don't kill yourself, do you want to be remembered that way? Yeah, you should be scared cause if you die its the end of your life...

  11. Heroine overdose, you just fall asleep.

  12. the best way... obtain a heavy sedative (maybe silicon or something), and overdose on it. or use conventional drugs. or just sedate yourself and right b4 it takes place jump in a pool. I cant believe im helping someone commit suicide.  

  13. Well, life is full of holes, some deeper than others. Their is always a reason to live, even though you may not see it now but there is. Every one has problems, but ending your life is not going to help anyone. Look, I know life is hard, and its complicated and it hurts, but you will find a way out of these problems. Just have patience, and give it some time, things will seem less horrible after a while and you will be able to think clearly and possibly see a solution. Killing yourself is a coward way out. Think about the people who love you and care about you, think of all of the things that you once enjoyed, think of your achievements, they don't have to be huge awards to mean something. Think of all the times that you have helped others and influenced them in a good way. Everyone in this life makes a mark on someone else, believe it or not, and that becomes your legacy. Please don't let suicide be the thing that you leave behind. You will just be that one person who selfishly left others in misery and who took the coward way out. Life has its ups and downs, and they will get brighter soon, not necessarily in an hour or a day. Good things come for those who wait. Just stay and wait and see what comes to you. Please don't give up.  

  14. Call this number: 8002738255. they may have good suggestions to help you.

    If it means anything, I'm sorry you hurt. I know how you feel.

  15. plese dont hurt yourself try talking your problems out with some one its o.k to have some problems in ur life but plese dont hurt yourself like taht i know how it is thinking that no one cares about you but just think posotive and know that if no one around you cares about you know that i care and god care and be happy in that dont hurt ur self u can allways tlk to me anytime @   but if u dont want to just know i care and i dont want u to hurt ur self plese plese plese dont hurt ur self  

  16. the best way to die is from old age.

    A lot of things r going to go bad b4 they get good.

    So many things are going bad in my life right now, but all i can do is to keep living and work through them.  

    What is ur physical problem?

  17. Oh my god. Go see a therapist first. Killing yourself would do no good. Hello its a sin, your family will be in missery. Just go see a therapist.

  18. im not touching that....

    here i'll add some input...the only reason someone should ever be able to kill themself is if their pain is so much that being dead seems better than living through the pain. and that doesn't include emotional pain, i'm talking about real physical pain. since you are able to use a computer, and type a question, your pain is not enough for a mercy kill.

    believe me, what you're going through, it sucks. And i'm not saying that its going to get better, i'm just saying that you've got to be a fighter and keep on living. my dad recently died a few months ago of brain cancer...not only did he live past what doctors expected, but he went to work every day and continued to play his role as a single parent up until the month he died where the tumor and the effects from his medicine wouldn't let him do anything but sleep...

    im sorry you have to go through this. but you gotta keep on fighting. just remember that whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

  19. Some of these people are clueless.  I feel the same lately and when my Dad told me to "enjoy the quality of your life", I thought "what quality exactly are you talking about?".  It's the most insulting thing to hear when you are down and out.  "just be positive, be happy... (and the absolute worst yet)  PRAY about it"   As if we haven't already tried that avenue.  

    I don't know how to help you, but I feel your pain.  Hope things improve mate.

  20. you need help... killing yourself isnt gonna fix that..

  21. After contemplating some Winchester 12gage brain surgery last year I have come to the conclusion that the best way to die is asleep in bed.

    Nothing is as bad as it seems. I won't tell you to think "Happy Thoughts!" because I always wanted to strangle the ones who said it.

    My happy thought was death, and the only way I avoided it was by taking an antidepressant and seeing a counselor. I especially have my best friend to thank. I promised I wouldn't do it and I never break serious promises.

  22. old age is the best way.

    I am sorry you are feeling so bad and I wish I could help. My heart goes out to you. You say you always had a will to live. I think that is still there, it's just gotten buried under all these new problems.

    Please don't kill yourself. Life changes so fast...even one day can make a difference.

    I don't know what your problems are so I can't really address them, but I hope you won't give up on life. It's precious.  

  23. Look, life sucks, it's really hard. But there are really good parts too. Don't kill yourself. Live. Death is not the answer to your problems. Think about the people who love you. Killing yourself will cause a ton of pain to them. You don't want to hurt them. Suicide leaves everyone horribly hurt. Go to a counselor or talk to your family or best friend or something. But nomatter what, life is hard but it is also amazing. Don' tthrow it away cause it's tough!!! PLEASE. Don't do it!!!!! I know how you feel. I've thought about it but the harder things are the better person you'll become.

  24. "The only reason we fall is so that we can learn to pick ourselves back up."

    I know that right now, you're tired. I know because i've been in the same place.

    But it's okay to be in that place. The thing that I have figured out is that as long as you are okay with not being okay, it's suddenly not as bad.

    I know it sounds simple, but it's not. It takes hard work and stubborness, a will to live.

    Don't give up. When you give up, you're not just giving up on yourself, but on others around you. You may want to lose you, but no one else does. Trust me.

    You have only one life. Live it!!!!

  25. That"s a horrible form of self egotism

    Think of all your loved ones that would miss you

    Think about how you"ll never see them in h**l

  26. u need to see someone who can help cause suicide is never the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... EVER!

  27. yes.. its called stop suicide and talked to a Doctor

  28. Try talking to somebody, your parents, a trusted friend or teacher...

    You may be experiencing problems but so does everybody you're not the only one. No matter what your problem there is surely a support group out there with people just like you, that you could talk to. :)

    Don't jump to conclusions and kill youself... There's so much to live for, it just might seem unclear at the moment :)

  29. Poisoning. It will be quick.

  30. 1800.SUICIDE (784.2433) call them and get help...

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