
What is a good way to get my 10 year old girl to read more?

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I try taking her to the library, to bookstores, etc. She will kind of try reading at times, but just always kind of puts it off. Has anyone found a way to jump start their kid reading more? A way where they want to read all on their own. A way where they find it very rewarding. A way where they really improve their reading skills.




  1. Start reading yourself.  Turn off the television and limit telvision watching in your home.

  2. Maybe try to find a book that has a movie about it, and if the movie looks good then tell you guys will watch the movie together after she is done, and make it into a fun occasion.

    Tell her friends to recommend some good books or ask other parents.

    American Girl series - I read all of those when I was ten and I liked them

    Maybe look at some of the book choices she has made earlier and like if she is really into fantasy ask a librarian for recommendations on good fantasy books.

    Maybe give a small reward after she reads a book.

  3. I buy books she is interested in best to buy series books.  She has to read for a half hour in order to watch tv, play video games, or go on the computer.  We have quite time where i read my book with her as we cuddle on the couch.  At dinner we discuss our books and i really show interest in her take on the book.  Good luck.

  4. yah look for something that interests her, or books where the main characters are children in her age group. And start her off with small stuff as someone said let her read the recipes or something. It's good you don't force her and let her read on her own terms.

  5. Set aside an hour in the day ... half an hour for you to read to her and half an hour for everyone to read to themselves.  Reading to 10-year-olds is still a great idea.  Even though they're probably pretty strong readers by that age, they will still enjoy hearing a good story, and someone who's reading at a 4th-6th grade level can listen to books at a higher level.  The great associations from reading time with a parent will make her think of reading as something that's fun.  You can even stop reading at a cliff-hanger and then become "busy" ... you'll be surprised how often your daughter will pick up the book and keep going.  For reading-to-herself time, have lots of different choices, not all of them "challenging," but all with good stories.  The goal should be to make reading fun and then you can gradually increase the difficulty level.  Which books to choose depends a lot on your daughter, but your public library will have good suggestions for whatever her interests are.

  6. Make her she 10 years old she has no wants.

  7. Don't try to force it on her....let her pick out books that are of interest to you, try the young adult section of the library/bookstore and you can ask the staff for what is a popular book for girls her age. Happy reading!!

  8. find books about stuff that she enjoys.

  9. you should take her to the bookstore and let her choose a book of her choice, then you should read it with her instead of letting her do it on her own. also have discussions about the material to keep her interested... good luck!

  10. Find books that is one of her interests.

  11. well i can really relate to your daughter, cause i didnt like reading when i was that age either. now i love it. (I'm 16)

    my parents never pushed me just encouraged (which your doing so thats good), so i sorta just found my interests and found great depending on what your daughter likes, i would go from there.

    Um, you could have her read recipes when you cook, directions to something, or put subtitles on movies (you're drawn to the words so you tend to read them even when you dont need to).

    small things that involve reading can help her get used to reading. but otherwise, I'd suggest not pushing her, cause the school does that enough.

    there's a huge variety of great books she can read when she's older obviously so learn her interests for now. :)

    hope your daughter learns to love to read!

  12. 1 - They link television shows with books to encourage reading. Try that... A Cheetah Girls book or something, lol.

    2- I dont know if this would be too forward, but put her in a Reading Program over the summer. Local colleges usually offer things for the community to encourage reading/advancing your reading skills for the next grade.

  13. A great easy way is to let her go on neopets. It is very strictly controlled. My daughter goes to the chat board.She has to read & it really helps with her typing.which also helps with spelling.She loves interacting with other kids.

  14. Find good interesting books, I reccomend Number The Stars by Louis Lowry. :)

  15. Find a good book, I suggest:

    The big book of girl stuff by bart king

    Scarlett by cathy cassidy

    The dear dumb diary series by jim benton

    Those are all great titles, buy a copy of each, then present her with them as a gift. Working out a rewards system, like for evry two books U read U can have a sleep over, that could work. Just use what she likes. maybe have something like 1 book read =something good and small, with every other book read the prize gets bigger.

  16. My favorite books at that age were by Judy Blume. Try The Nancy  Drew series,and the Sweet Valley High series. Books about girly things usually do the trick/

  17. Set up a Book pyramid and tell her that every time that she reads a book that you will fill in the blocks of the pyramid.  Then when she completes the pyramid you need to give a reward that is some special time with you or doing something that she likes to do.  Even getting her some game or toy or special treet that you know that she would like to have.  Then start over with another pyramid and go through the process again.  Make it fun go to an amusement park or go carts or minature golf.  You will know her better then I do so make it a reward she would really want.  I say that the base of the pyramid should have seven books then six at the next level and then five then four then three then two then one at the top by itself.  She will want to read a lot then but also make sure she tells you about the book that she has read so that you know she has read it.  Good luck!

  18. I was a big reader at that age, my parents read to me every night until i was old enough to read, then i read to them, our library had a game over the summer where whoever read the most got a prize,  id say make a rewards system.  Read this book, ill ask you some questions about it, if you can answer them, you get ______ .  Find books about things she is into and act out scenes, dress up as characters, etc.

  19. I buddy read with my son, to encourage him to read outside of his homework assignments. This means you read a section then they read a section. It not only gets them to read but is an excellent way to spend quality time with them!

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