
What is a good way to get over sea sickness on a cruise ship other than medicine?

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What is a good way to rid yourself of sea sickness without taking medicine I will be on a carnival large cruise ship. thanks. What are the odds of hitting high seas?




  1. Ok, some suggestions, in no particular order:

    1) drink beer ... it really works... I think it might be the carbonation... but it works...

    2) those wrist bands (some say they work, some say they don't.)

    3) the patches you put under your ear (need a prescription so a bit of a pain, but they do work - you might consider it medicine.)

    4) Don't go on the boat... :-)  Actually, I sail a bit; I hardly ever feel seasick even in the worst of conditions.    But, I have had passengers on my boat who are not so lucky.   For people with mild conditions, (1) above works ok; slightly more conditions, 2 works, worse yet condition, 3 does not seem to fail.... and some medications work as well.

    But on a cruise ship... not likely a problem... depending on time of year and where.  They are large and pretty stable.

  2. You are far better off preventing the seasickness than trying to get over it.  I get seasick easily, though I have never gotten seasick on a cruise ship yet.  The cruise ships are big and don't move around that much.

    Nonetheless, for one cruise I took ginger tablets (I bought a bottle for around $6 at Walgreens).  I like ginger because it is not a drug and because it was the only thing that worked on Mythbusters.  I took one tablet with water before breakfast and and one tablet with water before dinner.  The ship was rocking a little more than usual because of a nearby storm.  I heard some people got seasick, but I didn't.  

    A cabin near the water line and near the center of the ship will move less than a cabin high up, near the aft or the bow and near the outside edge of the ship.  So cabin placement can help.

    Also, you want to spend as much time as possible where you can see the horizon.  That way your eyes and inner ears both sense the movement (seasickness occurs when there is a conflict between the two, such as when you are inside and cannot see the horizon, the eyes see no movement, the inner ears sense movement and that leads to seasickness).  

    Also, eat bland foods (bread, crackers ...).  Spicy and exotic foods are not good to eat if you think you are going to get seasick.  

    The chances of hitting rough seas are fairly small.  It does happen, but for the most part the captain is going to try and avoid rough seas.  That is the advantage of a cruise ship over a land based hotel.  When is the last time you saw a land based hotel move to where the weather was better?

  3. Here are a few general tips to help you.

    1) Take Dramamine a day before and a few days after the cruise and one during every day of the cruise. They work like a charm.

    2) If that doesnt help eat Green Apples, something in them really works.

    3) They have those wrist bracelets that really do work and those patches, and even the doctor on the ship can prescribe you something and they also have pills the nurses can give you...

    4) Drink Lemon in your tea and water and then this may be sour but suck the juice right out of a slice of lemon and do this a few times.

    5) Dont sit by windows unless you absolutely have too.

    6) Eat Vanilla Ice Cream something about that soothed my stomach and everything...

    This stuff really works soo have a great cruise.

  4. Sea bands.  They are pressure point bracelets.  They work for even skeptical people.

    If you are on a large ship, it helps.  Large ships are still at the mercy of the sea, but their movement is much slower.

    The odds of hitting high seas are directly related to the storms that are in the area.  Dont worry about it. Go enjoy your cruise.  They will not take your ship into a large storm.  If a hurricane pops up along your route, your cruise itineray will change.  Big deal...a cruise is what YOU make of it.  Have a great time.


    A 4 year cruiseship crewmember

  5. Better than Dramamine is a product called Bonine. It works for 24 hours and doesn't make you sleepy.

    Green apples as someone mentioned.

    Never drink water! It lays in your stomach and slooshes around. Drink something like a sprite and maybe some saltine type crackers.

    Go outside and focus on the horizon. This will help to stabalize your body.

    And the beer idea? I think that person's plan is  "if the ship is rocking, get drunk and rock with it. That way you'll be standing straight  <grin>

    It can happen but no one dies from it (they feel like they want to) and it will go away.

    Al R

  6. best thing to get over motion sickness on a boat is to not stay in your cabin.  get out (no matter how crappy you feel), move around and get some fresh air.  dont watch the water, look at the horizon!

    you might get a little sea sick on a cruise, but if you are turely concerned about it, the best medicinal way to deal with it is the TRANSCOP patches.  but it on behind your ear and away you go!

  7. I kept Ginger snap cookies in my pocket and munched on them as needed. I didnt like the way the medicine made me feel but the Ginger in the cookies works good!

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