
What is a good way to handicap an 8-ball tournament?

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It's a small bar tourney, best of 3 double knockout, played on open bar boxes. The same person ends up winning all the time, and is in favor of being handicapped slightly. A game on the wire is unreasonable for such a short race, and time restraints won't allow for longer races. Any suggestions?




  1. It may seem strange, but I would change the format from best of 3 to a race to 3.  The only exception would be that your ringer would have to race to 4 to advance.  I don't think that this format would greatly lengthen the total time of the tourney.  It would probably be too much put this player in a single knockout category.  That's a little severe.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  2. Good call Straight

    in mine win 2 in a row sit out one but i might try that format.

    We race to 3 but he would need 4 to win not bad..

  3. One thing you might try doing with the person that always wins is have him pick the pocket that he has to make the 8-ball in before the match ever starts. My dad did this with me when he was first teaching me to play pool, and it evened out the game a little bit. This definitely makes it more of a cat and mouse game towards the end, but it ends up being more fun for everyone.

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