
What is a good way to help sore muscles!

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since its summer, my dance teacher is working us really hard so we will be good for intensive((intensive: a week in the summer which in case is next week;., we work 7hours a day!and work very hard and learn new choregoraphy))

i have dance tomorrow, and the intensive is next week

any way to help so muscles

like your groin!?and thighss, also shoulderss




  1. I'm in the same boat as you. First off, don't stop doing what you usually do. Keep stretching and working because sitting around won't do any good. But you mentioned you have dance the next day, so that's not a problem. What I do it take body lotion (any type) and simply massage my muscles. Also, sometimes I just soak myself in a hot bath. It takes some pain away, but there really isn't anything you can do to completely make it go away. Just think about what great shape the soar-ness will put you in :-)

  2. stretch them slowly and keep them warm. they should go away soon!

    dont over stretch them you might be sore for the first class or two but once you warm up properly you should be fine!

  3. icy hot!!!

  4. Take a Nice Warm Shower.

    Also, if there is any bengay around...that would help.

    Just don't put it around the groin area...

  5. This is going to sound very painful but the best way to help sore muscles is to stretch them. That's what I do! And it's painful, trust me, but it works. Also use heating pads and a nice hot bath! And what might help too, is to stretch with the heating pads on your muscle so they'll be nice and warm and after taking a hot bath.  

  6. heatinq pads. or massages.

  7. Good question! Too many dancers don't realize that there are things they can do before their intensive to help prevent muscle pain.

    First - eat well. Vitamins B1 (whole grains, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, beans), C (fruits, broccoli, berries, peppers), and E (whole grains, vegetables, nuts) all help the body prevent muscle strain and injuries in general.

    Second - warm up slowly and stretch well. Make sure that your body is warm and limber well before class starts.

    Third - During class - Stay hydrated. Have a few healthy snacks during the day. If your muscles start to feel fatigued an orange is a great choice. It helps to remove the lactic acid from your muscles. Me and my students all eat oranges through out the day during intensive training.

    Fourth - Cool down. At the end of the day - take the time to stretch again. Stopping intensive dance and not cooling down can leave you vulnerable for injuries later.

    Chances are, even if you do all this religiously, there are going to be a few muscle groups that have worked much harder than they normally do and these will be sore. A warm bath with Epsom salt will help relax tense muscles. Epsom salts contain loads of magnesium that is absorbed through the skin. Magnesium helps promote the healing of torn muscles. Add 2 cups Epsom salts to a tub of hot water. It also relieves any swelling. If your muscles are cramping - eat a banana - the potassium helps to relieve muscle cramps.

    Good luck!!


  8. This sounds just like were I was a couple weeks ago!! Try a warm bath with Epsons salt. Its amazing and will make you feel soooooo much better. Hope it helps!!!


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